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FrozenGate by Avery



New member
May 29, 2019

I'm brand new here but I thought I would post a brief review of two laser pointers that I received from bestlaserpointers.com. I found the site on this forum and knew that it had gotten a few bad reviews, but they were cheap so I decided to stick my toe in the water and make a purchase from them.

The first was the Laser 301, 200 mW, 532 nm, green laser pointer. I received this after just a few days after the purchase. After charging the batteries and turning the laser on, I knew right away that it wasn't 200 mW, but it was definitely more power than a standard pointer. I measured the wavelength to by 532 nm. I measured the power to be 45 mW, but after reflecting off of a dichroic mirror that passes IR, I was left with just 36 mW of green. In other words, 20% of the output power is 1064 nm.

The other laser that I bought was a 500 mW gatling style, 532 nm version. This came a day after I got the 301, even though they were purchased at the same time. The same as above, after charging and turning on the pointer, I knew it wasn't 500 mW and I knew it wasn't 532 nm either. I also noticed that the mode wasn't very good, although after focusing at objects you couldn't really tell. Bad modes though, affect the ability to burn, if that's what you use them for. I measured the wavelength to be 511 nm and the output power to be 130 mW. Unlike the 301 though, there was no IR in the beam.

So much for my first review, as basic as it was. I can't really say that I was disappointed because I had a feeling that the powers were going to be low based on a few comments here, but the prices were right and I got what I paid for. I'm wondering if marking the power up by 4X holds true with their higher power lasers. Do I get 1.3 W from their 5000 mW laser, or will it be less? I guess time will tell.
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Thanks, I didn't know they used a direct diode on there so called 532 gattling gun types. It doesn't surprise me though they stooped to that level and tried to pass it off.
Glad your one of the buyers who was able to measure the WL. Most first time laser owner wouldn't know and would come to accept that the spot is what a real 532 is.
Seams to be a lower PL520 type as it was only cranked to 130mW:unsure:
If you went with a blue "5000mW" I can see it doing 1W+..

How much did you pay for the gattling host?
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If you paid more than $6.00 for the 301 laser you overpaid. Also, those 301s often measure 80 mW, so you got a particularly weak one. I, personally, believe all gattling host lasers are crap no matter what they put in them. Would do just as well if you put a laser in a bic lighter.
Thanks, I didn't know they used a direct diode on there so called 532 gattling gun types. It doesn't surprise me though they stooped to that level and tried to pass it off.
Glad your one of the buyers who was able to measure the WL. Most first time laser owner wouldn't know and would come to accept that the spot is what a real 532 is.
Seams to be a lower PL520 type as it was only cranked to 130mW:unsure:
If you went with a blue "5000mW" I can see it doing 1W+..

How much did you pay for the gattling host?

Oh my, that is a high. I'm assuming you paid the $17 for the 301 I just saw.
If it make's you feel better, you took one for the forum team;) so new members will know..
I'm guessing it's to late to cancel the blue laser??
What do you expect from them---high quality, honesty and integrity? LOL Resellers/middlemen are reseller middlemen --the all have $ signs on the inside of their eyelids and will say and do anything for $s. "Bestlaserpointers" claims to be a business in Elmhurst, NY yet everything they resell above 5mW is illegal to import and sales, as a business, of hand held laser pointers with outputs over 5mW within the USA to someone in the USA is also illegal/prohibited.

"FDA regulation.
21 CFR 1040.11(b) and 1040.11(c), limit surveying, leveling, and alignment, and demonstration laser products to Class IIIa. This means that pointers are limited to 5 milliwatts output power in the visible wavelength range from 400 to 710 nanometers. There are also limits for any invisible wavelengths and for short pulses. Pointers may not exceed the accessible emission limits of CDRH Class IIIa or IEC Class 3R."

See FDA Import Alert 95-4 3/19/2019: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/cms_ia/importalert_254.html

+ their prices are very high---Gatling type hand held lasers are $20 and up all over ebay
WHY do we keep posting reviews on such crap sellers when it is clear that many do not heed our warnings??.
as PAUL opined the gattling lasers are just ugly hosts-- no way do they do much cooling.

to the OP please finish filling out your profile if you want help --meet us halfway on that OK?
I am in Houston BTW. hk
WHY do we keep posting reviews on such crap sellers when it is clear that many do not heed our warnings??.
as PAUL opined the gattling lasers are just ugly hosts-- no way do they do much cooling.

to the OP please finish filling out your profile if you want help --meet us halfway on that OK?
I am in Houston BTW. hk

Please forgive me - I thought this section was for people to post reviews. I don’t believe that you saw any whining or complaining in my post as I’m old enough to know that cheaper isn’t better. I bought them because I felt like buying them. I don’t believe I was asking for help either. Perhaps i’ll keep any future purchases to myself.
No problem. Your review was just fine. I think the problem most of us have here is these Chinese sites over state the power by a great deal and often charge far more than what you would pay on eBay for the exact same thing. There are so many of these sites that it gets difficult to keep up with all of them. Anything that I said was not directed to you personally. I just hate these sites.
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No problem. Your review was just fine. I think the problem most of us have here is these Chinese sites over state the power by a great deal and often charge far more than what you would pay on eBay for the exact same thing. There are so many of these sites that it gets difficult to keep up with all of them. Anything that I said was not directed to you personally. I just hate these sites.

Ok. I think that part of the way they may justify this is their warning labels. I
No problem. Your review was just fine. I think the problem most of us have here is these Chinese sites over state the power by a great deal and often charge far more than what you would pay on eBay for the exact same thing. There are so many of these sites that it gets difficult to keep up with all of them. Anything that I said was not directed to you personally. I just hate these sites.

OK. Thanks for the clarification...
At those power levels you didn't get what you paid for, sometimes a high price is just a lie, as you found and expected. Another rip off China laser seller, the only reason I believe they can exist is because being in China if we return the item the cost is far too high for us, ever try to send something back? Their mailings are subsidized to make it cost them very little money to mail to us and if we are unhappy with what we receive, it usually costs us more to return the item than it is worth, that's how they are able to keep doing this.

They often try to fake us out further with US addresses which lend credibility (for those who don't know), but it's all fake. If they do have a distributor in the US, some do, it helps them pull off their game, but we end up with the same thing, junk at high prices. However, if a real US address, you can at least send it back without too much expense. For that situation, it's a numbers game, percentages of returned items vs profit. They would also resell the returned items anyway, if returned for power misrepresentations in good shape.

My guess is this online web site is owned and operated by LPS or someone working with them, the same company we've been complaining about in another thread, but with a US address. If in the U.S. and the FDA gets a wild hair, they will shut them down. Did the package come from New York, or China?
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Loving this thread, very interesting discussion
This review is important to me because everyone here bashes BestLaserPointers for their prices. Which is valid. But in my opinion, $90 is NOT steep for an underspec gatling!
150mw 520 Sanwu Challenger 2- $220 no batteries.
50mw 520 Sanwu Gaurdian No batts - $160
200mw 532nm PLE mini $169
50-150mw 520 DIODE from DTR range from about $50 to $90. A 900mw NugM02 would be $90 also.

You got a decent green laser if you got anything over 100mw for $90. Maybe not the best around, but definitely not scraps, considering its actual output is likely atleast 200.

Second, BestLaserPointers uses a Southern California warehouse. Its just a warehouse, not a disguise adress. Its a warehouse, so you can get your toys in days instead of weeks. With tracking info...

Look, i have 3 of their “3000mw 445” thor clones and they are damn close to 3W for sure. LPM when i can but they burn just as well as my 3.5w ple pro. Just as bright, and way way way better diversion on that laser. I havent seen a single unit bought/built with better diversion.
$150! Very reasonable/comparable. Badass host. Great duty cycle..
$150 each, batts and shitty charger included, throw the goggles away immediately. OP you should do this by the way, those goggles are shit man. No good.

I guess my point is theyre kindof a take-it-or-leave-it site. Homework will keep you happy with those guys, but theyre not entirely awful.
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