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FrozenGate by Avery

Best rechargeable cr123/16340 batteries?


Jun 24, 2015
Hi everyone :)

I, together with a million other naïve people on this world, have fallen for the "1200mAh" ultrafire batteries... I hook them up to a 1A laser and the beam becomes faded after 5~7 minutes give or take. After doing (minor) research I realised that such capacity isn't even possible for a 16340 battery :p

Now my question for all you guys out there, what brand has the highest capacity that actually delivers? Price is no problem, I am sick of crappy xxxxxfire batteries and now I want QUALITY!

as always, sorry for my bad English and thanks for leaving a helpful comment :D
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I used to use 16340 batteries, until I discovered I could use 18350s. They are only 1mm longer and 2mm wider. If you can fit them, they are much easier to find in high quality brands. Are you able to use the slightly larger 18350? If so, I've had no issues with high drain eFest IMR 18350s. AW also makes IMR 18350s. I've also used the Ultrafire 18350s from Survival Laser. I've never had an issue with the ones they supply. I'm currently using two of them in the build below with a BlitzBuck set at 2.4A, making 3.2+ watts.



Hi everyone :)

I, together with a million other naïve people on this world, have fallen for the "1200mAh" ultrafire batteries... I hook them up to a 1A laser and the beam becomes faded after 5~7 minutes give or take. After doing (minor) research I realised that such capacity isn't even possible for a 16340 battery :p

Now my question for all you guys out there, what brand has the highest capacity that actually delivers? Price is no problem, I am sick of crappy xxxxxfire batteries and now I want QUALITY!

as always, sorry for my bad English and thanks for leaving a helpful comment :D
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I have some 16340 that claim to be 2000mAh:crackup:I am certain they are less than 500mAh. You can see photos of them in this thread I posted 2 years ago:
I suggest everyone stay away from those generic blue batteries with no brand name. I too have the Efest IMR 18350s and they perform better, I also have a pair of Trustfire 18350s that are good but they are a little longer and only fit in one of my lasers. AW is known to be one of the best and so is Nitecore.

wait, are you saying you run the laser for 5-7 min??? in my opinion IMR's are the best batteries out there many will say otherwise lol but the trustfire 16000mah are junk
