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Best game of all time (any platform)

IMHO, I would have to say: Zork

Boy, I forget how young everybody is, most of the games listed above have their origins in either Zork from Infocom (aka: Adventure/Dungeon on mainframes) or Wizardry from Sir-Tech.

Although most would now consider these boring, all the new stuff is RT instead of turn-based and a 3D enviro instead of an ansi based diagram in the corner of a 40x24 text screen; the roots of even the newest MMORPG and shooters started with Zork.

BTW, it is pitch black, you are likely to be eaten by a grue!

I'm surprised no one's mentioned WOW lol.

I'd stuck between the Zelda series, and the Metal Gear Solid Series. Metal gear solid i starting playing only over last summer, while zelda I've been playing since I was probably 7 years old or so.
mikeeey said:
I'm surprised no one's mentioned WOW lol.

I'd stuck between the Zelda series, and the Metal Gear Solid Series. Metal gear solid i starting playing only over last summer, while zelda I've been playing since I was probably 7 years old or so.

I just played the remastered pokemon and zelda theme tunes- the memories they stir up is actually very interesting. If I play pokemon I can remember things from when i was 6... its quite sad actually....
Wow, this is hard. I would have to say a tie between LittleBigPlanet, Super Mario World, Super Metroid, and Super Smash Bros.
METAL GEAR SOLID! ;D can't get enough of it. also zelda. all t3h marios. donkey kong country 2. so many. impossible to pick a single one.
I'm going to have to go with the game that I've been playing since I got into PC gaming. I'm still playing it today.

CS 1.6 and then Source.
For story line FFIV (i no its for snes or gba but who cares its still awesome)
cs1.6 is probs my most played game (although im shit)
omg forgot super metroid, equal with ffiv
oh....why isn't there SONIC and MEGAMAN in there too?

how can you put HALO and the SIMS before those epic games?

and it's Call of Duty 2!
(all call of duty series are best games but cod2 was best XD)
no way its got to be killzone 2 on ps3
i love thinking that a kes-123a is shining nicely inside my ps3 while playing.
