Hey guys, thanks you rock!
I did check out gearbest, it looks like it's a (China) company Hichina Zhicheng Technology Ltd. probably assoc. with Alibaba. Their servers, according to Whois are located in Seattle, Wa. w/Akamai Technologies Inc. They probably have the Russian, language clips because that charger is perhaps very popular there? They are just doing the usual target marketing.
I also found the Opus, on Amazon. For $39.99 and since I have an Amazon, gift card, I just went ahead and ordered it from there.
After reviewing that youtube clip I linked showing those E-cig explosions, that really drove home the point to be mindful with these Li-ion cells.
Curious, that with all of all the excellent advice, and attention given to proper eye protection here (with good reason) that there is sparse, notice and attention devoted to the safe practices and precautions for handling Li-ion and other similar cell technologies.
Made all the more glaring of an omission in light of the vid clip, that graphically demonstrated just what sort of damage, these cells are capable of.
Granted, these Li-ion and similar cells are in widespread use in a variety of consumer electronics, laptops, mobile phones etc. And of course, the majority of portable handheld laser pointers.
IMHO, at the very least, a sticky should also be posted in the Laser Safety Info, sub forum and also in the Safety and Legal Issues, sub forum.
Since there are folks (again as mentioned in that E-cig clip) that are completely unaware of the hazards associated with Li-ion, and assoc. cell types. Just miss-matching the polarity or in some way creating a short etc, could result in catastrophic failures.
Even in my brief tenure here on the forum, I've noticed that portable LP's seem to have an especially alluring appeal among minors, and those who are 'young at heart'. And during that same time period, I've also noted the sincere and genuine concern and advice so thoughtfully given. And that by creating a concerted effort to also include 'Cell Safety' this seems like it would and should just be a natural extension, going forward. And also, it's an opportunity to get ahead of the curve, and be on top of this issue, when and if it ever becomes a contentious one. And like most things of this nature, it probably will become contentious. Sooner, rather than later.
Apologies for the minor thread derail.