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ArcticMyst Security by Avery | Browser Hide by Avery

Bad business with tonyt!!!

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Yeah i would settle for a 300mW green but i was sent a email but didn't arrive or a pm so idk

Electrical Engineering , Quantum electronics , now LAW.

Electrical engineering? I can wire a plug if that's any good but not much else :)

Quantum electronics? only where is crosses over with Nuclear/Particle Physics :)

Law? nope, I do have a close family member that runs a pretty big law firm and a phone though :)

I also have the "benefit" of being Autistic :) great memory...shit dinner guest :) downside? you have the luxury of forgetting the things that upset / annoy / concern you, I don't :(

When the world you live in is black and white it can get tedious sometimes, as a society we introduce shades of grey, it's those shades of grey I cannot mentally process.


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Electrical engineering? I can wire a plug if that's any good but not much else :)

Quantum electronics? only where is crosses over with Nuclear/Particle Physics :)

Law? nope, I do have a close family member that runs a pretty big law firm and a phone though :)

I also have the "benefit" of being Autistic :) great memory...shit dinner guest :) downside? you have the luxury of forgetting the things that upset / annoy / concern you, I don't :(



I wish I were autistic :(
Its like having a Superpower :bowdown:
Superhuman memory ,
Superhuman logical deduction ability ,
Superhuman learning speed.

If Ubermensch existed. He would be autistic

People treat it like a disorder. I see it as a gift.

In case that was insensitive. I'm sorry??
But seriously , being as socially awkward as I am . I don't see how being "normal" is good.
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In case that was insensitive. I'm sorry??

Not at all brother :) It doesn't really notice to me much in daily life, I've just always been able to learn at a geometric rate.
Put another way my wife never asks me "does my bum look big in this" when trying out a new dress, my natural response is "no dear, it looks big in anything" when the learned response should be "It looks wonderful dear" if I don't want to get ear ache all night :)

Autism is great, at one end you have Rainman, at the other Edward Teller, I'm somewhere between the two :)


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Not at all brother :) It doesn't really notice to me much in daily life, I've just always been able to learn at a geometric rate.
Put another way my wife never asks me "does my bum look big in this" when trying out a new dress, my natural response is "no dear, it looks big in anything" when the learned response should be "It looks wonderful dear" if I don't want to get ear ache all night :)

Autism is great, at one end you have Rainman, at the other Edward Teller, I'm somewhere between the two :)


Damn what is it with wife's and do i look good in this, your doomed if you tell the truth and told your lying if you say no sweetheart your bum looks great in that skin tight pair of jeans a size 4 model wouldn't fit into ...its a chick thing my wife asks me all the time ,how does she look in stuff I'm a guy she looks best in lingerie with stockings and suspenders with 4 inch heals or nothing, why don't women get that
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Damn what is it with wife's and do i look good in this, your doomed if you tell the truth and told your lying if you say no sweetheart your bum looks great in that skin tight pair of jeans a size 4 model wouldn't fit into ...its a chick thing my wife asks me all the time ,how does she look in stuff I'm a guy she looks best in lingerie with stockings and suspenders with 4 inch heals or nothing, why don't women get that

You think that's bad?
Try having to drive your MOM shopping as she's asking if a size 2 SUPER MINI skirt will fit her 52 years old body.
What do I even say...
"Yes mom , the people at the office will love it. Why don't you buy some condoms too while you're at it ."
I tell you what.
Women .
They are more mysterious than the griffin singularity.
Dr. Anthony Ryan

Research Scientist, CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
Dr. Anthony Ryan is an economic psychologist who completed his Ph.D at ANU and his post doctorate at CSIRO. He has specialised in examining the way in which people construct environmental value. He has also published on the ways in which people psychologically formulate monetary valuations of non-market environmental assets.

So this could be him, or the name of someone he just used. Note this person is in Canberra not Adelaide and he did his PhD in economic psychology and not Astrophysics...

I could not find another Dr Anthony Ryan at CSIRO and I couldnt find any astrophysics publications for a Dr A. Ryan...Have to admit though I only did a very quick search for publications so thats not conclusive.

If he was at CSIRO Adelaide, a simple google search would have shown something.

I also had a look at the contact list for people working at CSIRO in Adelaide and could not find his name. :beer:
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Dr. Anthony Ryan

Research Scientist, CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
Dr. Anthony Ryan is an economic psychologist who completed his Ph.D at ANU and his post doctorate at CSIRO. He has specialised in examining the way in which people construct environmental value. He has also published on the ways in which people psychologically formulate monetary valuations of non-market environmental assets.

So this could be him, or the name of someone he just used. Note this person is in Canberra not Adelaide and he did his PhD in economic psychology and not Astrophysics...

I could not find another Dr Anthony Ryan at CSIRO and I couldnt find any astrophysics publications for a Dr A. Ryan...Have to admit though I only did a very quick search for publications so thats not conclusive.

If he was at CSIRO Adelaide, a simple google search would have shown something.

I also had a look at the contact list for people working at CSIRO in Adelaide and could not find his name. :beer:

You'll think if someone is gonna scam ,he'll use an alias
I'm not really mad anymore, just disappointed. I will only do trades in person now :/

Carma is a B*#ch and he will get his Carma return sometime in his life
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I'm not really mad anymore, just disappointed. I will only do trades in person now :/

Carma is a B*#ch and he will get his Carma return sometime in his life
Yes that's how i feel i not gonna let it get me down, time to move on
Might as well get the thread closed then. Not much more to add, he's not coming back and we already have him on the list. :beer:
I tend to agree as one of the three ppl involved in the happenings,live and learn
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