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Available laser in USA?

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New member
Jul 27, 2024
Is anyone selling a used laser in the USA? Or do you know of any reputable company that is selling them in the USA?

There are a lot of sellers just google. What in particular are you looking to find? Wavelength, power, mode, formfactor, stability, center, pulsed, ir vis uv? Need bit more info
There are a lot of sellers just google. What in particular are you looking to find? Wavelength, power, mode, formfactor, stability, center, pulsed, ir vis uv? Need bit more info

He was specifically looking for a used laser.
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Yea I don’t read the details half the time. eBay and select USA. Number of surplus shops too. Depends what you want a pointer or a tisaph.
What exactly are you looking for? An old one to work on and reverse engineer to learn? Or something cheaper for financial reasons?
What wavelength, and/or power amount?
My house runneth over with used lasers. I’ll pass.
Actually my 12w rgyb opsl kvant is schedule to arrive today.
I’m so excited and I just can’t hide it
I’m about to loose control and think I like it.
There are a lot of sellers just google. What in particular are you looking to find? Wavelength, power, mode, formfactor, stability, center, pulsed, ir vis uv? Need bit more info
I need one to control the pesty geese coming on my property. I don’t want to kill them but I would want to make their eye sight uncomfortable for them. I prefer not to buy from China.
I think you just about got everyone? or everything covered!! :giggle:
My budget is limited but I was hoping to stay around $100 for a used and good laser. I don’t want a flashlight.
You can get a cheap laser pointer for like 2.00 on eBay. I use a green on on crows and it works well. You don’t need anything powerful. ANY laser scares them off but I tried a yellow one and some animals don’t seem to see that color. Green seems universal.
That was a one post seller which is not allowed. Thread was deleted.
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