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FrozenGate by Avery

Attention machineists! Cheap titanium!

Jan 13, 2010
Hey guys!

So I was searching eBay because I was bored and found this! - titanium 6al-4v ELI bar rod stock lathe drops 1 3/8"x 3 1/2"+ 10pcs | eBay

I would LOVE to buy it and make my own but it would cost WAY too much money. This lot of 10x titanium slug/bars is a great deal IMO. Would make some SWEET hosts!

Have at it guys and PLEASE post pics if you buy them and make something? :)

Edit: Here is some longer (slightly smaller in diamater) titanium from the same seller. You get 6x though but its still not bad. titanium 6al-4v ELI bar rod stock lathe drops 1 1/4"x 5 3/4"+ 6pcs | eBay
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fyi: Titanium is fairly hard (although not as hard as some grades of heat-treated steel), non-magnetic and a poor conductor of heat and electricity. Machining requires precautions, as the material will soften and gall if sharp tools and proper cooling methods are not used.

Titanium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Just wondering, is a normal lathe able to cut titanium? :thinking:

I was thinking since titanium is pretty hard, the lathe itself would be damaged.

Cheers! :beer:
fyi: Titanium is fairly hard (although not as hard as some grades of heat-treated steel), non-magnetic and a poor conductor of heat and electricity. Machining requires precautions, as the material will soften and gall if sharp tools and proper cooling methods are not used.

Titanium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sure its a poor conductor. However that doesn't mean. You cant make a SICK laser with it. For example. People have made lasers out of wood which isn't only poor in cunducting heat. It insulates! Its also not electricly conductive. That didnt stop anyo.e from making a laser out of wood :p

