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ARDUINO & DAC for XY projector

I tried to make myself bipolar powered by two of the accumulators at 12 V.

Voltmeter showed -12 and +12 as expected. However, when I connect the battery to the circuit ADC glowed to red and his legs melted. :thinking:
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Surprising. I connected to your circuit ATX power supply (at 5 post).

At the output of the correct voltage. However, the laser does not react.
(I connected only the X coordinate and Y is not connected, and modulation)

I drives the DAC random values but do not stir Galve.
Laser itself automatically recognizes the connection to ILDA connector?
Hy !
I wrote the program for arduino. I would like to draw beautiful patterns such as hearts out. Somebody help him in the code.I use stepper motor and two laser dioda : green and blue .
My ide for example

#include <Stepper.h>

const int stepsPerRevolution = 3;  // change this to fit the number of steps per revolution
const int stepsPerRevolution1 = 3;  // change this to fit the number of steps per revolution
// for your motor
long randNumber1;
long randNumber2;
long randNumber3;
long randNumber4;
// initialize the stepper library on pins 8 through 11:
Stepper myStepper(stepsPerRevolution, 8, 9, 10, 11);
Stepper myStepper1(stepsPerRevolution1, 4, 5, 6, 7);

void setup() {
void loop() {
  randNumber1 = random(1, 1200);  // for nelkul
  randNumber3 = random(1, 1200);  // for nelkul
Serial.println(randNumber1 );
    // step one revolution  in one direction:
  Serial.println("clockwise  "); 
   // step one revolution in the other direction:
  Serial.println("counterclockwise  ");
  delay(1); // hogy lass is valamit rajta
// es majd innen kezdi elolrol

  randNumber2 = random(1, 1200);  // for nelkul
  randNumber4 = random(1, 1200);  // for nelkul
Serial.println(randNumber2 );
    // step one revolution  in one direction:
  Serial.println("clockwise  "); 
   // step one revolution in the other direction:
  Serial.println("counterclockwise  ");
  delay(1); // hogy lass is valamit rajta
// es majd innen kezdi elolrol
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I am using xy galvo motors and ı have dac circuit. I can scan square area now. Bu I need to read g code with them. all examples are for stepper motors. how can I do it. Anyone have idea ?
Noticed you never posted an introduction - Might be a good time now to go back and introduce yourself on the Welcome subforum. Also read the sticky threads about forum use too - as posting on an over 3-year old thread asking for help is not going to get you anywhere unfortunately...
however these are near useless w/o location!!! in intro title AND in profile..

as far as necro-- border-line Many still working on projects like those.. I say we don't kill him IF his intro is GOOD!! jk
Why are we not ALL 'on the same page' about LOCATION-- its way more than selling a house ya'know?

Pushing the intros with no other advice is NOT HELPING-

so help and just STOP posting .
while it is a PITA going back and changing intro title .. the advantages are worth that and more.
If Chris was here we would not be having this convo.
I did not want to put this out except in VET.
you guys leave me no choice.
Location request is a test.
if they lie-- GAME OVER

W/O alot of 'Splainin ' to do.
Only a very few on :LPF have been able to get around that.. IP addy.

read my posts -quote them if you like.

This, in some ways comes down to respect.
that is not a lot to ask.....

--leaving out location IN TITLE of intro should NOT be an option.
Nor is 'planet earth' etc

This is ten times more important than necros and double posts combined .

--leaving out location IN TITLE of intro is NOT an option.
Nor is 'planet earth' etc it is ten times more important than necros and double posts combined
