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FrozenGate by Avery

Arctic Alumina Thermal Adhesive

Dec 15, 2014
I noticed that Arctic Alumina Thermal Adhesive is discontinued . very sad was a great product. What do LPF members use now ? There are many other brand on the market now but how good of quality .. Lets hear what you folks have to say.

I prefer to use indium when I have it .I have also used a high temp heat transferring gasket compound of what I believe is copper infused silicone that I buy from autozone.It’s like a copper colored silicone caulk with high viscosity.
Is just the Arctic Silver and Alumina Thermal Adhesives that have been discontinued---all of the thermal compounds are still currently being made and offered. http://www.arcticsilver.com/tc.htm

Fortunately there are a lot of thermal adhesives on the market now
Thankfully I still have an unopened package of the arctic alumina thermal adhesive left in my stock. I had no idea they were discontinuing it.

Maybe something like this.

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I spoke with the Arctic Silver Inc. people today and they said they are not getting out of the thermal adhesives market entirely and have been working on a new ceramic thermal adhesive for a while and also a streamlined manufacturing production scheme for it. Will be the replacement for Arctic Alumina. The new Arctic Ceramic adhesive will be more thermally conductive than Arctic Alumina and close to the same cost.
They expected to have it introduced to the market by now but Covid and working from home and taking turns being in the office has slowed progress down a bit. They are still working on the final filler formula mix and final production steps. The hope is to have it on the market sometime in the next 3 to 6 months.
So there you go---- coming soon, to a threatre near you.........

Edit: Was surprised to see so many very good thermal adhesives are on the market now with all different levels of thermal conductivity, range of filler materials from alumina to diamond and price.
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I still have a couple of cans of arctic silver adhesive (much cheaper by the quart) but in the past I've had good results with this stuff:

Yikes! Last time I bought arctic alumina thermal adhesive it was ~$ 15.00 for the 5 grams total of both parts. Is the Henkel Loctite stuff stable enough to survive not being used for many months? That would be my main concern.
Yikes! Last time I bought arctic alumina thermal adhesive it was ~$ 15.00 for the 5 grams total of both parts. Is the Henkel Loctite stuff stable enough to survive not being used for many months? That would be my main concern.
Rated shelf life is six months if it's refrigerated but it can go for a year.
Thanks for all the info guys. I'm so glad to hear about the replacement. That explains why they would discontinue it
