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Anyone saw this before? 10W 904nm PULSED

Oh thanks ;)

Used the search bar before with typing in "904nm" but no results.

Did anyone has one of these yet? Maybe in a lazer gun?
Those are laser diodes that are normally used for "laser speed guns" and similars ..... very fast, 0.5nS response time and usuallly used at 200nS pulses lenghts ..... this means that they can hold the 10W for 0.2mS max, normally at 100 Hz max rate or similar (cooled) ..... and, usually, this also mean that in CW conditions, you can get from them around 50mW ..... after this, *POOF*

Can be good for build a speed gun blinder, but not too much other :p
Thanks HIMNL9.. Angelos (aka lazereer) also told me so :)
Did anyone has one of these yet? Maybe in a lazer gun?


Next time read more than the first sentence of the post.

They run it between 10Hz and 100Hz, which averages to 20µW and 200µW respectively.

A 0.2mW-average laser wouldn't be much of a "lazer gun."
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I'm going to necro-post to add to the thread. Someone might be interested in this diode I'm finding on ebay, it's this LD-65 10 watt peak output 904 nm LIDAR, price on ebay slowly dropping, I bought a few for six dollars each to play around with on best offer: https://www.ebay.com/itm/LOT-OF-2-L...-DIODE-PULSE-CLOUD-DISTANCE-ECM-/162398592447 - This isn't much good for more than LIDAR or a jammer for IR speed RADAR, or my purpose as a beacon, once greatly expanded.

The average power is terribly low, far lower than what we use in our laser pointers, but it can flash some high intensity pulses with extremely quick ramp up and drop out for up to 200ns pulse widths. What attracts me to the diode is it's narrow divergence for the power:

If the graph applies to this diode, for the peak pulse power, that is as small a divergence I've found yet for inexpensive surplus diodes.

Edit: What I can't find yet is which diode that raw divergence graph belongs to.

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I've found this type of laser diode inside a drone or something like that! now I do not remember well!

Laser 904nm Pulse Diode!
I've found this type of laser diode inside a drone or something like that! now I do not remember well!

Laser 904nm Pulse Diode!

It was probably part of an automatic collision avoidance feature. Probably under 5mw output.
Average power is uber low, it's the peak power I'm after for a high signal. Still unable to get the divergence data, web msg. contact to Laser Diodes Inc. not working. Will need to call them.

Edit: I called Laser Diode, Inc. and left a message hoping they would email the answer and guess what :)


The range of LD type devices do have all the same divergence properties.
The only thing that changes is the width of the emitter stripe. All of the devices come from the same wafer stock, just cut at different widths.

The different sources will have different emission widths at the facet of the laser die but in the far field the beam divergence will be the same.

Good news, the LD-65 diode does have excellent divergence :)
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