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FrozenGate by Avery


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Just now we got a new member 'watt' here is the PM I am sending him (or her) NOW before they make thier first post-- SO please ALL my friends compose your own version and keep it handy to paste into PM sent to brand new members as THEY will very likely NOT know what can happen.. do this every day (or more) it would be great if these new members got lots of PM regarding this problem & just go ahead and 'friend' them too..as I think coming on too hard may not always be good BUT if you come at them in a friendly manner this should work.. IMHO very few members with any large number of posts SHOULD alreadsy be informed so its the new members we need to contact first-- also by reading what some post you can get a feel for the new and UNDERIMFORMED MEMBERS-
THEY are the ones most likely to allow some other fool handle thier laser and we ALL know that lasing outdoors at night is awesome and they may not even think about how bad that idea can become--

here is my stock PM-- plase make you own and keep it handy

"WELCOME new member-- glad to have you here and to get a chance to give you some sound advice-

please consider doing all these things..

#1 and the most important-- NEVER EVER lase people- vehicles or aircraft-- no matter how far away they seem to be- this (in USA), if done intentionally, is now a Federal Offence-- and they dont play around.

Some must think that doing these things is a fun prank-- BUT are shocked when they get arrested and sent to prison with no early release. And a big fine--so it is very important to the forum and also you that you go to laserpointersafey.com and spend a few hours reading all of what you see there-- like a young girl getting two years for lasing a helicopter with her boyfriend who got 6 years...you DO NOT want to dsee your photo and name at LPS.com as you would be also banned for life from this forum..

so never lase when in doubt and NEVER hand your lasers over to any idiots as YOU will be more responsible for what they do than they will.

fo you are unsure about making a nice intro just go to the welcome section and read the intros made by others--

Each section at LPF has threads that stay at the top called 'stickies' they remain there BECAUSE they are very important and so its a wise thing to go to each section and read most of the stickies.


ALL stickies at thewWelcome board are important-- so they all are a must-read as this will save you lots of grief later--

Always do lots of searches BEFORE you ask questions at the forums-
Very few questions are not answered by searching-- If you dont get a good rrsult then just change your search terms unti you do also google search to find answers off forum.


^^ READ every word in this thread- click ALL the links--this will save you much trouble and maybe even your LIFE-- a laser dot aimed at law enforcement CAN get you killed!!-- they know that many lasers are attached to firearms.. so they are entirely 'legal' to put a bullet in YOU.....no questions asked.

BTW any laser even just 1 mW is illegal when aimed at peeps- cars and planes/helis ETC..jjst dont do it--

Hope you enjoy the forums and feel free to PM me anytime-- hak


BUMP to the top

New Poster--I like the play on words.


Laser entered his finger and came out his fingernail.
This was prolly a gas laser none of us would likely ever own
Maybe a Copper---& likely pulsed.


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Great info. Len. Thanks for putting this out there. REP

UPDATE: ESPN is reporting that the Detroit Lions have banned Mark Beslach for allegedly shining a laser pointer into the eyes of Bills quarterback Kyle Orton and holder Colton Schmidt. Beslach was cited for misdemeanor disorderly conduct. The season-ticket holder who gave him the ticket will have his season tickets revoked.
^^^ ouch! but he had that coming--and IF the Bills had lost... not good.
SO when I call for lifetime ban from LPF for the likes of Mark Beslach if he were to come here... just sayin'

it was what Detroit did to Mark and they went after the seat 'owner/holder' as well.

actually I have some new ideas on this thread/topic..

One new thread will go up with laser safety quizzes from sites mostly univeresities-
and ANOTHER thread where we place the keys to each quiz-- SO DO NOT post how well you did or reveal any answers or debate any of the questions PLEASE---

save that for the Answers Thread- these new threads will be in the Safety Forum.

ALSO most of these questions are not highly important to casual pointer owners-

BUT... no such thing as being TOO careful and many may some day (hopefully) see how much more we get from projectors and show V a box of pointers and handhelds.

As at the point we need to know MUCH more to be both SAFE and 'LEGAL'

BRB with links

BTW I would like to keep this thread active PLEASE= one good way --find any story
laser arrest and do a search and post other sources of info--

Example google [Mark Beslach]-- and copy paste a different report of this AWFUL incident- his one act has added MUCH to the already bad rep we are getting ONLY by association. I was quite happy with the action taken by the team-- I hope when he goes to court for the misdomeaner he is punished to the max- IMO its should have been treated as felony.-- if you don't find arrests by search- go to laserpointersafey.com and get names from their list BUT find other sources on these incidents.. copy and paste any pics of the ASSHATS.

Newest reports tell that Mr Beslach ( a teenager IIRC) got charged with a misdomeanor =and banned *indefinetly* (so maybe NOT for life) from any more home games at all and the holder of that season ticket lost/got revoked- his seat also for now ( actally that's a pretty big deal)-- I am predicting in court he will only be fined & get probation-- BUT if any justice be served he should ( like a few others arrested have been) never be permitted to EVER own another laser..
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Until we place as much or more emphasis on laser incidents on aircraft and people-cars etc. as we do on goggles/glasses etc....We should not expect much decrease on incident reports

--While I DO care about eye safety especially for 'others' rather than a laser owner...frankly I do not feel all that sorry for anyone claiming to not know lasers are all dangerous or can be..

- On an average day 10 pilots report laser on cockpit reports AND I don't blame them much if they choose to embellish the report and how painful getting lased is..One report said 99 'incidents' in USA in 2013. (not verified)

ACTUAL SERIOUS injury is unlikely at distance with the exception of a laser in the multi-watt power AND during take-off or landing- its just human nature to make exaggerated claims to help their cause ..happens every day--
IF you fall into a vat of chocolate yell 'FIRE' as nobody comes if you yell..... 'CHOCOLATE'.

This is done w/o thought and can end somebodies life--Nothing gets the cops attention better a report of 'man with a gun'==or gun with laser sight. A young person just got killed when police 'thought' (or were told) he had a real gun when in reality it was a toy gun that some IDIOT had removed the orange tip that is now required on ALL toy guns..

MAYBE This poster from the FBI will educate the clueless-PLEASE place it in your sig. add it to any PM you send about safety AND consider printing it out and mailing to any member you sell lasers to.



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"What I love is one of the comments saying that if it's legal to own a laser, it shouldn't be illegal to shine it at aircraft."

Bawhahahaha! :crackup:
That's like saying: "I own the gun legally, officer. Why can't I point it at you? It's not like there's a LAW against it or anything! Jeez!" :wtf:
Wow, how sad. It looks like this poor kid actually played with this laser for at least a week. That's an awful long time do do some serious eye damage.
Hopefully, he will at least see some partial healing.
Wish we got more info..seems unlikely that a green laser would be sold as a 'cat toy'
those are manly button cell 1 mW-reds. and even THEN show me in the ad where it promises the laser is safe for eyes of pets--never ever saw that in a cat-toy laser..

somebody run this thru Snopes.com == we could possibly not be getting the whole story. who gave the laser to the kid?+ where did he hear its safe also for humans??
give your kid an icepick to play with or a box cutter==great ideas---not
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