So, I'm still pretty new to the powerful laser hobby, but I do love shooting into the sky. I love watching the beams, aiming at stars.
I try not to go out and point into the stars tell after 1am tell about 5 am cause most people are asleep and I'm in the middle of a neighborhood and try to attract as little attention as possible.
Well, twice I decided to shine earlier, around 10-11 pm at night. Within minutes I hear a helicopter so I stop and, go inside and watch the helicopter fly around once and leave.
As I heard it leaving I went back out to shine again, and again the return of the helicopter, so I stop shining. This time I just sit in a sort of hidden bench under my tree. This exact thing happend twice over two weeks.
I feel as if the helicopter is daring me to shoot up at it. Anyhow I just find my self getting more paranoid the more I use the laser. I'm 31 and not a child trying to cause trouble.
Any how I still love lasers and have more on the way. The best time for me to shoot is after 1am so That's when I tend to do so. Also my family owns a ranch out in the hill country so when I go out there there's no problem.
Anyone else notice helicopters trying to find you. I've gone as far as drive around to different areas and shoot straight though my sunroof so that if it is seen, it is not just in my area. I'm also very aware of flight routes, and stay away from them.
Your paranoia is misplaced. I doubt the helicoptor was looking for you and even if they were because some well meaning citizen reported seeing a laser you broke no laws, not even local laws because the airspace above your head is under the control of the federal government not local government. However, many municipalities have laws which make shining a laser at anyone an offense. But you didn't do that either. So, again you broke no laws. Now relax and stop being paranoid.

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