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[ANSWER FAST] My China green laser pointer is blinking red light.


New member
Nov 30, 2019
Sorry for my English because im from Estonia.

I dropped my laser pointer and it was not working anymore, so i decided to look through my stuff and i found a 5 month old laser projector (bought from china haha) . I took it apart and got the thing that was showing the green light ( idk what's that called) and i decided to test it on a battery. I tested it on 9V lithium battery and it was not working. I looked into the hole to see a red light. It lasted for like 2 second and when i would connect it again it would do the same. I took off the lens and took a pictures from it and it was purple on the camera. I tried hooking it up with other batteries and stuff but there's still a red light. Can someone help me fix it?

Off the topic:

After i looked into the light i got a headache, idk if it's from the red light or i've just had a rough day.


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Well for one STOP looking into the lasero_O If this post is for real..
The red you see is Dangerous IR, and putting a 9V source you most likely killed the 808nm IR diode that makes the green.
It's just time for a new laser which you can find for $5 to $8..
Behold, the art of trolling:

I already ordered s new laser pointer with battery and a charger. On the other hand why people think this post is fake/troll? I like taking intereting stuff apart snd making some new ones.
I already ordered s new laser pointer with battery and a charger. On the other hand why people think this post is fake/troll? I like taking intereting stuff apart snd making some new ones.
Rasmus, there has been alot of trolling on this forum lately. I might of started it, as I was a bit shocked when you mentioned that you looked into the laser. I apologize as i'm thinking it was just a language barrier..:);)
:whistle:It's funny that one of the biggest chatting troll "although a nice kid" brings it up also:giggle:
Good that you ordered a new one and taking apart things is how we learn!!
These 532nm laser are dirt cheap on eBay. You might want to buy several as they can sometimes come with multi-lines or at other wavelengths. You will need a diffraction grating to see the multi-line ones, though. The ones I have are the AAA battery types, but there are the 301 and 303 style hosts too.
will you thank me too, if I call you a TROLL??

IF the OP is really asking those questions... I suggest he/she consider not playing with lasers anymore.
they are not toys!!!---things can only get worse from here on.
BEFORE you post again--make an intro of yourself and place it in the welcome/newcomers section (just common manners)
AND try doing a search-- including ones on forum manners & how to get along.
WE ARE willing to do searches for you BUT we charge 1$ USA each. (in advance)
Does your profile have your location??-------- it REALLY needs to be there.

and ?? ANSWER FAST??? ....yes sir we will get right on that.
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''A female sheep is called a ewe. '' The final "e" in the word "ewe" is often missed out. This word derives from the Old English "ēowu."
(google searched)

AFAIK EW is the same as 'uck'..
