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Another company that sells SUBPAR mw in their lasers?

No way that's 2W's of 532nm. It's most likely around 300mW-400mW judging by the price(if it's anything to go by) :)

Another lame company that reminds me of all those sellers on aliexpress all high powered green lasers are 2000mW of course...
this line in the description is epic...... " Above all, designed with attacked head, it can well protect you as well ".
You can use it to defend yourself I guess
Why even post this? There are hundreds of companies selling over-rated stuff like this.

You just give them exposure by posting them here.
Why even post this? There are hundreds of companies selling over-rated stuff like this.

You just give them exposure by posting them here.

Agreed. The responses will be the same as the last 30 threads on the subject anyway.
You are right. It just pisses me off, they even advertise here in the forum... :gun::gun:
Where do you think Avery gets the money to keep this forum running? It doesnt do any harm, because if you are on this forum for more than an hour you will figure out all those companies are crap. Making threads about them is completely pointless, because like ARG and RHD said, theres a million of them already.
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It may be giving them exposure, but on the bright side he's making sure the facts out there for people to find in their research.

Their 6W 450nm "sends out harmless light, quite environmentally friendly. You should not miss it out!" :crackup:
That's one of the known companies that sells seriously underspec lasers. Reminds me of the 20,000mW (20W) laser pointer being offered on AliExpress for $13.95. With free shipping.
