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An Apology for Everyone

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He's been enjoying everyone's money by taking a trip to Japan. Facebook offered me his profile page and he's having fun. Lots of fun! Bastard.
I repsect you as all my orders did arrive in the end. I understand that it is hard to make all the orders when there is only two people working on it. It is a real shame as you were my main source of lasers as every where else cost to much.
The only issue i have now if the fact that my Arcane 2.0 laser just stopped working. I know i will never be able to get it repaired.
I wish you the best of luck in the future.
He's been enjoying everyone's money by taking a trip to Japan. Facebook offered me his profile page and he's having fun. Lots of fun! Bastard.
Remember everyone. He 'had to use the order money to live', and 'didn't have money to refund everyone'. Dude is just a straight up thief.
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I don't think it was his intent all along, but once things started getting out of control he saw the opportunity to scam a bunch of people on the way down.

An ethical owner would have just said "Sorry guys, my company is unsustainable and I gotta raise prices or close up shop" and then refunded everyone.

Usually this sort of behavior is due to an entitlement complex. He felt he was entitled to some form of reward for his hard work, and couldn't stand to be left with nothing as his company failed.
I'd suggest lessons in economics for him then. If he can't take the idea of starting a company and potentially having it fail, go work for someone else and enjoy having a regular wage while letting the boss worry about the balance sheets. Never bought anything off him or interacted herewith, but he seems a bit of a daft arse.
it's kinda sad really. Do you know how many people would have loved to be in his situation prior to his self implosion? He had a customer base, clearly. He could have made a very decent living and not had to work for anyone at all ever again (so it would seem).
but he seems a bit of a daft arse.

Been entirely too long since I've heard that phrase. :crackup::crackup:

it's kinda sad really. Do you know how many people would have loved to be in his situation prior to his self implosion? He had a customer base, clearly. He could have made a very decent living and not had to work for anyone at all ever again (so it would seem).

Yeah - lots of people would love to be in that situation. :undecided:
it's kinda sad really. Do you know how many people would have loved to be in his situation prior to his self implosion? He had a customer base, clearly. He could have made a very decent living and not had to work for anyone at all ever again (so it would seem).
How true, this guy had it made. It wouldn't of hurt his business one bit if he raised his prices even. I regularly logged on his sight whether I was thinking of buying or not. Sometimes it was because I was thinking to buy or compare or just to see his new builds.
Someone said it here that he sure made his sight look professional. Just think if he put that same effort into actually building a good laser:whistle:
We all have seen people at our jobs who will go to the extremes of trying to do the least work possible. Its more tiresome and the day go's by longer than doing the work your suppose to.
It had to be like that for Eitan for costantly thinking of ways to cut corners.
I've seen pic's of Eitan's car, all turbo, intercooled, expensive plumbing, gauges etc. Do you think he let someone cut corners on his car:yabbmad:
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