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Am I slowly damaging my eyes using my burning laser pointer without glasses?


New member
Mar 29, 2024
So I have had my blue 500mw laser Pointer from eBay almost a week ago now and at first I was using the safety glasses included but I started to not use them after I noticed it doesn’t hurt my eyes to look at it without glasses. I know it’s risky because if the beam reflects of something and bounces into my eyes then I’m in trouble, but if that doesn’t happen will my eyes be fine without any direct hit? So far I havnt noticed any differences with my vision but just wondering if over time my eyes will be damaged. Thanks in advance :)

So I have had my blue 500mw laser Pointer from eBay almost a week ago now and at first I was using the safety glasses included but I started to not use them after I noticed it doesn’t hurt my eyes to look at it without glasses. I know it’s risky because if the beam reflects of something and bounces into my eyes then I’m in trouble, but if that doesn’t happen will my eyes be fine without any direct hit? So far I havnt noticed any differences with my vision but just wondering if over time my eyes will be damaged. Thanks in advance :)
We cannot give you professional advice without practicing safety
"An increasing number of studies has revealed that long-term blue light (400–500 nm) exposure induces oxidative stress in the retina and causes severe damage to retinal tissues, especially RPE cells [13,14], with harmful effects peaking at 440 nm [15,16]."
"An increasing number of studies has revealed that long-term blue light (400–500 nm) exposure induces oxidative stress in the retina and causes severe damage to retinal tissues, especially RPE cells [13,14], with harmful effects peaking at 440 nm [15,16]."
Alright thanks
Best to error on the side of caution, if uncertain, just wear the safety glasses, plus accidents happen when we least expect them..... so build good habits by practicing laser safety.
*Im not a medical professional and this is not professional advice*

Buuut, looking at the focused spot of a powerful laser could do damage over time, akin to how exposure to loud noise over long periods can still damage your hearing, even if the noise isn't above the immediate damage threshold.

Further complicating the whole thing, the vision processing in our brains is really, really good at filling in small gaps, so minor damage can potentially occur over time without you being aware of it, until the cumulative damage exceeds what the brain can fill in.

TL;DR, when in doubt, wear safety glasses.
