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FrozenGate by Avery

Airplane attacked again! (seatac again)

I suppose many passengers will notice the lasers as well - hitting a plane on the side is more likely than head on from most built up areas. As long as they're pointing from a mile away everything sould be fine and safe, unless using crazily powerful lasers with beam expanders. I assume most of these idiots are using DX50 or similar cheap greenies though.

I talked to my pilot next door neighbour about this.
He told me that the glass the planes has a rigid outer layer and a softer inner layer embedded with a gold mesh through which they run current to prevent condensation.

I wonder whether the diameter of the mesh is comparable to the wavelength of, or whether the optical densities of the glass layers are significantly different for, any common lasers?

How polarized are the lasers being used, do you think?

EDIT: Removed off-topic musings.
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Showing these people what it looks like on the inside of the cockpit will only encourage them. They don't care about other people, they want to cause harm. Otherwise, they wouldn't be doing things they know full well are dangerous and wrong.

The only fitting punishment for people trying to blind aircraft pilots with lasers is to blind them with lasers. One eye per infraction.

I tell you what, it would stop this kind of behavior real fast.
I talked to my pilot next door neighbour about this.
He told me that the glass the planes has a rigid outer layer and a softer inner layer embedded with a gold mesh through which they run current to prevent condensation.

I wonder whether the diameter of the mesh is comparable to the wavelength of, or whether the optical densities of the glass layers are significantly different for, any common lasers?

It sounds very much like the electrical defrosters embedded into car windshields, although those wires just run in one direction and aren't made of gold (i suppose).

The spacing between them will not likely be anywhere small enough to be near the wavelength of visible light, so a grating effect seems very unlikely. What can be annyoing is light hitting the window at a very shallow angle, making the wires/mesh visible as they are illuminated from the sides.

I have such a windshield in my car - and the wires are sometimes visible when you drive right under or right next to a very bright light. Its not blinding though, and i doubt it would when using a laser (could try that though).
Volfram: an eye for an eye... i like it :D . i got one of those cheapo 5mW green lasers from DX the other day and for 5mW it is very bright! i wouldn't want that thing pointed in my face! especially while trying to fly a plane!
I am for the installation of High Energy Tactical Lasers in all civil airplanes which automaticaly fire their deadly ray into the exact direction where they spot an incoming pointer :)

SSSHH ..... please don't deploy publicly my plans until they're complete, thanks. (LOL :crackup:)
We already have laser guided missiles... I'm wondering if we can get them to just track the source, and not the dot. ;)

