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Affordable Analogue RGB Laser Projector?

.. of course you are right. I was thinking only about the cost diff. when buying.. LK only needed a few days to up grade 3 pc 1W 'RGB 5' and we got that at no extra cost because it was GB #4..he should buy from the forums anyway..

Sure, when buying complete circuits off ebay in a hurry this is a different story.

The problem with many ebay modules of all kinds is that while cheap, they are designed too cheaply. The goal seems to be to shove these out at $0.99 shipped skimping wherever possible, while you could often get the job right for say $1.25.

This is a problem for people starting in the laser hobby as well, as those cheaply built circuits have their problems. You can buy a tiny mystery-chip driven constant current driver off ebay for $0.99, plug it in in and hope it works.

You can also spend $2 or $3 on components, build it yourself, and figure out why it doesnt work in case it just doesnt.

I have nothing against cheap ebay stuff in case you want to build something cheaply and quickly. The downside comes when these things don't actually work and it's a pain to reverse-engineer them, whereas a proper circuit was engineered such that you can indentify any probably faults with it.

Obviously many people are not engineers and just end up with a problem, and then ask questions. One thing i'd reply to that is that it may be -very- time consuming to reverse engineer a tiny 4 layer board where the manufacturer was nice enough to scrape off the part numbers, let alone let you access the programming inside any microcontroller on them.
My 2 cents into this thread:

I finally purchased this one (without much experience I had to start with something what at least seemed new and not very complicated if I would need to tinker with it):

So first impressions.

What I like:
-Lasers are bright
-Image scale knob allows to adapt size to screen
-Colour intensity knobs allow to adjust shade (I reduced both green and blue to ~50% and have better white balance now even if real output power might be 700-800mW), also can make preset effects of any colour now (monochromatic) but this does not work with pics/animations loaded on SD card.

What I dislike:
-Fans too noisy. I would like to replace them with 2 fans DTR has sent me with his modules purchased lately (they seem to be much more quiet) but this would break garantee - maybe I better wait for 1 year before it expires...
-Most of animations preloaded on SD card are blinking. This strobe effects should be OK for disco use but I want to watch them quietly at home and it is not pleasant.

I have read that Laser Dock was a fanless and completely quiet thing but the starting price in this U-tube video
looks to have grown to almost twice in retail now. Did the guys realise that the starting offer was too generous for a device of that range?
Yes the initial price for the complete laser dock was way cheap when first introduced. I wanted to get just the dac recently and found the price of it went from about 100 to like 300 I think it's at now. I ended up buying one from a member on the "other" forum for about 110. It's an ok dac... but would never ever pay current list price.
Hope your now addicted to projectors like the rest of us pj heads. Maybe your next jump will be lsx or quickshow muhahaha. Feel free to message me projector questions.. I'm now a pj nut
And what features make this Laserdock dongle better than e.g. DAC Grix is selling?

Also why are most of these animations on SD card so blinking? There were also some with constant smooth brightness so I think that this has little to do with less than advertised 30K galvo speed or so...
Is it for economy on emitting power / laser abuse in total?
Is there a way to remove this "strobe effect" from .ILD files?
If your getting flicker on more complex animations it's gonna be a slow galvo speed. Those mirrors can only "draw" so fast. Not bad for the laser diodes themselves. But if you can hear the galvos then that's when it can be hard on the galvo. Can you post a vid on here or fb?

As far as the laser dock dongle... I would bet grix has a better product... never used one yet. I was using my laser dock dongle for maxwell and it didn't convert the image very well.
Are you looking for best projector for bright rooms. You can buy it from Amazon or any other online store. But you should be careful while choosing your projector. Read best projector for bright rooms review now.
This thread has been dead for 3 1/2 years.
Please do not necropost on dead threads.
Necroposting is very frowned upon on LPF especailly if you post meaningless comments with no content, as like you posted.
Nobody is looking for "best projector for bright rooms" and everybody knows where to buy whatever projectors are on the market which has nothing to do at all with what this thread was about.

LPF is not a social media chit chat type meaningless garbage Facebook like forum.

Would be a much better idea to make a post in the "Welcome" sub-forum
Last edited:
I try hard to not necro- I know to ALWAYSvheck the date of the last post , is not enough-- check dates on several and see if are also necros-I have seen that a few times and once or twice I necro..
there are many times when the new post is NOT a necro-
1) that is a post from the OP (maker of this thread)
2) You have important new data etc to add-
to name only two.
You can delete your 'necro' done that been there.
I prefer to NOT (or should I say I have stopped)
'outing' the member and just let the mods know-
Encap covers everything--kudos

I see no reasons to reply to this post .. TY

pm if you like

I try hard to not necro- I know to ALWAYSvheck the date of the last post , is not enough-- check dates on several and see if are also necros-I have seen that a few times and once or twice I necro..

But you just did it twice a few mins ago.
Here you posted in a thread that had died just to tell it to die https://laserpointerforums.com/threads/1-5-watt-accident.107866/#post-1598341

Here you didn't look at previous necro posts that were from you in the first place https://laserpointerforums.com/thre...aser-who-is-better.105266/page-5#post-1598339

Are you sure you're trying? :p Just saying
