Thanks guys, the only problem with BUILDING my own is that, well that involves time, research, KNOW HOW, which I don't yet have, and SKILL with these parts, which I dont yet have. I can get an already assembled blue ray 130mW or waterproof red 200mW both for less than $100. I would like to eventually build my own, but with 3 weeks left until I start college, I don't think I have time to learn the necessary skills to DI myself. Both have their charecteristics that I really like. One the one hand there is bluray, with superior burning power but less visibility, on the other, a red with slightly less ability to burn, but the ability to go underwater and superior visibility. It's really hard to decide.
BTW if I post pics of my piece of shi* green laser from ebay, could u guys help me figure out how to take it apart and see if there is any hope yet for it? It does not have a removable head I don't think, that or it's glued down REALLY good. inside the battery compartment behind the spring, I think you can gain access, but it seems like all the parts are glued in and nearly impossible to remove. I'll post a picture.