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FrozenGate by Avery

Aduino + 445NM LASER !!!!!

Here is my fixed code !!

void setup(){
  pinMode(12, OUTPUT); // SETS PIN 12 AS TTL +

void loop(){
digitalWrite(12, HIGH);
digitalWrite(12, LOW);

The TLL cables are two so one is positive and the other negativ-ground !

Lol, um. You just copied and pasted the simple change I made...?

And yes, one is 5V one is ground.

Stop double posting. Edit your posts.

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Basically, I came up with a very nice idea while i was listening to one of my favourite songs. I am thinking of putting 5-10 red lasers with ttl drivers on the floor facing up. Then connecting them to the arduino and making the code with delays that match the rythm of the song ! How much mw do i need so that the beams will be vissible at night ???? Do you like my idea!!

By the way this is the song: YouTube - ‪R3hab - The Bottle Song (Original Mix) [NEW HOT SONG 2011]‬‏
Sorry i diddnt noticed it !!! Wont happen again !! I just contacted susie and asked her if she can sell me some red lasers !!!
Use 5mW of green and fog. And make the beams face downward.

You're going to be hard pressed to program an entire show using this method on your Arduino. You only have 30k to work with.

You're going to consume ~6 bytes per digitalWrite() and delay() call. A few times per second (3?) with five or ten lasers is going to add up fast.

This is going to take you forever for not a very spectacular show.

Look the song is only 4,3 minutes !! At the worst scenario i will buy the SD shield ! So i will have a lot of memory ! Also why must the lasers face down ??
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4:30 is 270 seconds. If each laser changes once per second, that's as much as 16k... over half your available memory. I think reading scripted instructions off of the SD card is way over your head.

The lasers must face down for safety.

No, I will not write your show for you.

How old are you?

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Jim you have double and triple posted- this is not a chat room. If you have need for another post, just click edit and add to your post. btw it is not too late to go back and do that NOW. use copy/paste and it will be easy. the rest of your needs---- not so easy. GL

hey guy, stop all your tom foolery. if you want this to be your hobby than do it yourself. if you want it done for you the cough up some money.

and the beams facing up pose more risk of hitting the eye. lasers in rooms should be horizontal above the head. and lasers outside should point to the sky.

trevor +1 for your patience lol

If the laser faces downward from the ceiling there is much less risk of getting hit with it in the eye. I am not sure if Susie sells custom lasers. Anyway. I know about something, that would be better than Arduino and manual writing of the laser flashes. Behold: Sparkfun Colorganic Spectralizer Kit. This kit makes 7 LED's flash in time for any music. If soldered in wires instead of the LED's and wired them in the TTL inputs, it would make a cool visualization, and it would be no programming, and compatible with any song!
OK guys thanks for your help !! But i found this: Music LED Light Box

I will do this but instead of leds i will put lasers ! i am going to make 3 of those circuits, one for 2 lasers because i want o use 9V battery and the o-like drivers want 4-5V so every driver will have 4,5 volts. Now i have a question which cables am i going to connect to the sound circuit ? The TTL or the power ? And this is the driver: http://www.o-like.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=4&products_id=15
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If the laser faces downward from the ceiling there is much less risk of getting hit with it in the eye. I am not sure if Susie sells custom lasers. Anyway. I know about something, that would be better than Arduino and manual writing of the laser flashes. Behold: Sparkfun Colorganic Spectralizer Kit. This kit makes 7 LED's flash in time for any music. If soldered in wires instead of the LED's and wired them in the TTL inputs, it would make a cool visualization, and it would be no programming, and compatible with any song!
I think you found what you need.

Lasers suck anyway- the cost way too much and the LEDS would be perfect for you- and they last forever- lasers always die suddenly and are a big hassel to fix so I think you really should go for the LED thing- trust me.:shhh:

try ritalin -
