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A quick dual review - Lifetime Hosts!

Ah, no joke! Mothers is a name I know - but not something I expected to see in this forum! Good $hit, indeed! Thx buddy!

@LewDude, you definitely got a couple of beauties there. Got a few purchase from Lifetime myself and have always been more than satisfied. Enjoy your new lasers! :gj:
The two first pics were powder coated about two weeks ago maybe less. And the host pic is raw no coat just polished with Blue coral polish for rims . And I also use Mothers to they are two great polishes. Thank you guys for the feed back it really sets some guidelines in machine and finishing.
@ Lew,
Enjoy the CU host they are a pain to machine and take time but well worth the outcome.
@ BM,
thanks buddy you purchased plenty of my hosts and sinks you know well ..

I like the copper host better of the two. I am just a fan of copper's thermal capacity. You will be recharging your batteries often using a boost driver with these high current LDs. I would consider using higher capacity batteries in the future. Panasonic makes an 18650 that is 3400 mAh and would work longer with these diodes.
I like the all copper variant as well - it looks really nice and probably performs best thermally.

I doubt it would make a significant difference making the exact same device from aluminium though: the limiting factor will still be heat exchange between host and ambient air, with the thermal conductivity of the material only be a marginal factor.

Black anodized aluminium may have a bit of an advantage there even, but i do like the look of copper/brass ;)
I've taken to using McGuiarr's (sp?) Carnuba cleaner/wax. It'll keep copper bright for a month, or more depending on handling frequency.

