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FrozenGate by Avery

A. Pickle

Aug 14, 2013

Things begin to get interesting around
3:10. Take particular note of the emission
exiting the ends. It's a little easier to
see in the full version. Does anyone care
to comment?

The end emissions look like steam jets acting as light pipes. There's a chance there was some H2 electrolysis from the remaining water as well, which would have ignited in the arc. Not sure why it is called OLED.
Cool .....so that's how they fry pickles! :crackup:
Ya the cell tissue of the pickle itself must offer some resistance but if I'm not mistaken they are using two carbon arc gouging rods which are coated in Cu for conductivity. This would offer better conductivity than a regular welding rod.
My theory is the pickle creates resistance until the material reaches a critical point at which an exothermic reaction climaxes. Also the pickling juices may contribute to this reaction (concentrated vinegar). I'm sure electrolysis played a part in this. The skin of the pickle might have acted like a container.
I'm not saying this is Correct but it's what came to mind as I watched the video.
It must have smelled awful.
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I think at least one of the gouging rods
was hollow and allowed the intense light
from the central arc region through, where
there may or may not have been a bit of
stimulated emission taking place. :thinking:
I can't quite make out the model of that miller they're using but it looks like they replace the ground clamp with another stinger. Whether it's DCEP or DCEN it shouldn't make a difference as each are connected to the pickle. It could be AC.
There only one way to fine out. Try it!
Good thing this is virtually an all guy forum otherwise women would be getting ideas of how to torture us even further lol
