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FrozenGate by Avery

803T Diode "killing point?" and mW@high mA

If this is true, does that make it possible to find more sources that sell these diodes?
That could solve the shortage of these diodes for laser freaks.

BTW, by practically the same do you mean exactly the same or almost the same?

Timbojames said:
If this is true, does that make it possible to find more sources that sell these diodes?
That could solve the shortage of these diodes for laser freaks.

BTW, by practically the same do you mean exactly the same or almost the same?

Eh, kinda maybe not really easier?  But infinitely useful to at least know what they are rather than a mysterious glowing thing that we have no idea where it came from or what it's actually capable of.  In fact, knowing this, I need to get a new driver for mine, and throw a little more current at that bad boy....

You can always just order the diode since we know what it is, but ordering straight diodes is the 2nd MOST expensive way to get them.  It'll still be hard to find that diode in an affordable consumer package, because when's the last time you saw any consumer electronics with all the "ingredients" listed?  Never.

And you're never going to find "exactly" the same in laser diodes, there's too much variation when looking at the scales that these things are made on.  When something is only a few atoms thick, a few atoms make a HUGE difference in performance.  It's amazing that they're as consistent as they are, but none will ever be exact.  But if someone trusted says they're the same, and they do indeed look the same, I trust that.

Edited to say "2nd MOST expensive", because teh most expensive would be making it yourself
heruursciences said:
I think i figured out which diode is in the PHR head... Sharp - GH04P21A2GE. It's specs are practically identical- everything from the pin-out to the lambda shift! It's rated at 100mw CW and 210mw pulsed.

The other head has a DL-5146-351 or similar diode rated 20mw but capable of roughly double that.

Excellent find. If this is correct 120mA would be about nominal for max output, with 150mA being the absolute max for those that want to push it.

Here (with link to pdf):

However I'm keeping mine running at 90mA. All things being equal a lower powered part will last longer. At 90mA you already get 80+ mW, and I find if I use mine for more than 10-15 minutes my eyes ache and twitch. It's already plenty bright.

I'm getting over 10 hours of battery life running mine at 90mA. This is using the ddl circuit with six AA batteries - so battery life is very good. Using the meredith mounting block as a heatsink it can be left on indefinitely, only getting slightly warm. Had mine on for over five hours straight last night.

These make the dopest laser pointers - 100+ mW of 405nm!!

I was able to secure another couple of drives from geeks before they sold out. For my next build, in a true pointer package, I'll be driving the diode @120mA. Heehaw!

Another thing.. if you look at the datasheet PDF you'll note the linewidth of the LD increases considerably at high powers. Well over a nm at 105mW. This may mean if you want to use these things for holography they'll work better at lower powers :-/ Dunno.
Why don't we call / e-mail digikey / Avnet or whomever stockes the GH04P21A2GE laser diode and see if a tech or engineer could photograph the laser in the antistatis package. I assume like all good laser diodes, they are in a static shielded box, leads in antistatic foam. The problem here is they could be hesitant, as I would to breech the safety between $1K diode & an item for sale. Just an idea. I will e-mail Sharp and ask them for marking info..
Glaserfan said:
The 0811 diode seems to match the Sanyo DL-7146-101S a little better... Which I hope is true because again that would match my chosen current for my 0811-based pointer:)

I did an I-P plot for the 0811 Diode with AixiZ type plastic Lens earlier. Add ~30% to compensate for the power lost. Look very interesting comparing to the Sanyo DL-7146-101S. :P



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I just heard back from an engineer who snapped a photo of the SHARP 150mW 405nm laser diode. Top & bottom. It still may be the SHARP diode, but as the photos show of the $1100 laser diode, it has NO barcode on the rear. It looks like the specifications are similar. Maybe the 2d barcode was a Toshiba QC thing.


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After reading this I decided to jump on the bandwagon and increase the current on my MXDL build to 130ma. I can't measure the mw, unfortunately.
I had it accidentally cranked to 190ma for a minute! It was very bright! Warmed up the meredith lens housing pretty quickly, too.
130ma doesn't get very warm, and then the meridith lens assembly is mounted in a solid aluminum heatsink. Hopefully it will be ok :).

I'll definitely post if I see any signs of trouble.
wicked1 said:
After reading this I decided to jump on the bandwagon and increase the current on my MXDL build to 130ma. I can't measure the mw, unfortunately.
I had it accidentally cranked to 190ma for a minute! It was very bright! Warmed up the meredith lens housing pretty quickly, too.
130ma doesn't get very warm, and then the meridith lens assembly is mounted in a solid aluminum heatsink. Hopefully it will be ok :).

I'll definitely post if I see any signs of trouble.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAAHHAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaa............. . . . . . . . . . .



Then only mine will remain

and I will be


and then I take over the world

and you will be in a world of hurt

I'm not talking to you wicked1

They know who they are

They know what they did

Now they know that I am coming

I have a spare, which is the only reason I went past 100.  I meant to go to 120-125 but that lava driver gets sensitive towards the end of its range! (which is why it was up to 190 for a bit)
Once I got it steady at 129ma, I decided it was good enough.

edit-yes, 803t
You guys are still talking about cranking up the 803T right? There's quite a few diodes being discussed Ive lost track...
well if these(803T) are safe to crank up to 125 or 150, what mW output would you see at



It now seems that with proper heatsinking, these would have a nice long life at those high currents
Abray said:
well if these(803T) are safe to crank up to 125 or 150, what mW output would you see at



It now seems that with proper heatsinking, these would have a nice long life at those high currents
Yes. I'd like to know this as well. All these part numbers and stuff get confusing. Is it safe to crank my 803t to 150mA?
"Is it safe to crank my 803t to 150mA?"

It all depends on your comfort level. If you read the many threads people have and has gone as high as 180mW (daguin). I have a 177mA at 140mW that I built and used for over a month now. I have gone through 3 cycles of charges on the batteries and have not had a problem. After reading daguin’s recent built of 190mA, I will build one too just because. So is it safe, if you are worry about killing the LD then no if not what the heck. ;D ;D ;D
heruursciences said:
I think i figured out which diode is in the PHR head...  Sharp - GH04P21A2GE. It's specs are practically identical- everything from the pin-out to the lambda shift! It's rated at 100mw CW and 210mw pulsed.:-[

WHOA!!  Are you talking about this one: http://www.digikey.com/scripts/US/DKSUS.dll?Detail?name=425-2697-ND?

$1,125.00 for ONE???   :o

I should have bought ALL of the refurbished drives from Geeks!!   :-[
Yup that's the one. Maxed out my card at geeks, unfortunately i bought a synrad cutter a week earlier... :-[
