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FrozenGate by Avery

671nm 200mW Video

That really has no place in our line of work play. Perhaps you can tell us where they are better used?
Very nice video, frothychimp. The production values in your videos are always top notch. [smiley=thumbsup.gif] Where did you get the music from? Sound like a song from a 40's era movie (the good years).
Cyparagon said:
That really has no place in our line of work play. Perhaps you can tell us where they are better used?
I'm sure they have some medical/scientific use that we are unaware of.
ahh yeah i was gonna say same thing its removed.. but i look at post and its dated 1-7-08 :O
Check the date, it's over a year old. Frothy hasn't been around in a while.

his other video (>150mW 593.5nm Module) is still up on YouTube...

well can anybody at least describe to me what the 671nm video was like? :drool:

his other video (>150mW 593.5nm Module) is still up on YouTube...

well can anybody at least describe to me what the 671nm video was like? :drool:


A less visible and darker version of 650nm, nothing interesting...
671 nm lasers are a dpss type so the beam is alot better than a diode red but u need alot of power to make the beam more visible
671nm is used in some laser scanners due to t's nice deep red and nice beam specs due to it being DPSS, however it is a fair bit duller than 650nm for the power. 100mW of 650nM might look to be around 50mW 671nM.
thanks for the insight guys; i get that it's DPSS and that the beam specs are obviously going to be a lot better than on a DID, but I was really looking for more of a description of the color. Is it just duller than 655nm or it actually deeper or "ruby-like" as I recall someone describing it a long time ago?

peace & thanks
