Hello, and thank you for answering...
I am from Italy, I guess we are both on this side of the pond.
I am not and expert in electronics, although I have always liked the subject and I am just starting to get interested in it so I have lots to learn and read etc. I have taken apart some lg dvd burners but found no trace of the bd9703, nor could I find it in the local electronics store. They do have the LM2576-adj which seems to have similar characteristics but of course it outputs a
minimum of 3A. They have a 3.3 volt one a 5 volt one and a 12 volt one. I guess I could use the 3.3 volt or get the adjustable version, but I don't understand how to lower the 3A output current (a pot??).
I did buy a laser from O-Like which is 3.2 whatt at 808nm (220€) to hook up to my cnc machine, it's complete with focusing optics and a driver with 4 wires, red and black for a 5 volt power supply and blue and white for ttl. I don't want to start with this laser yet, I want to understand how it works by using a cheap dvd burner laser. I saw your driver with ttl and I liked it right away. Unfortunately I am not sure I can find those surface mount components. It doesn't really matter if the driver is bigger, is there a way to make a version similar to the lm317t (my current drivers) but using larger IC then the bd9703?
Is an Inductor needed? I think I have found a similar inductor as I saw on your driver, it has 4R7 written on it, and next to it there's a shottky diode marked 1BL3, on a Hard Disk drive. For the inductor I have found this description "Inductor, SMD series power shielded, 4.7uH, 6amps, 13m max resistance, 4mm ht", the Shottky is supposed to be 1A 30V.
the size looks similar to yours. Unfortunately, no trace of the BD9703.
I know I have written a lot and you don't have to help me of course, but I really want to build this and understand how it works and all, I've gotta start somewhere... if you could help that would be greatly appreciated, if not I totally understand. Thank you, Antonio.