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FrozenGate by Avery

6/4/17 bunch of lasers:)

Re: Various lasers 4 sale

I want something single mode to burn with or engrave 3 watts is just too much and I happen to like 405 what batteries does it take cause I only have 18650s. I see it takes one which way does the positive go down or up?
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Re: Various lasers 4 sale

It is case negative so the battery goes in with the positive up towards the laser output. Basically it goes in the normal way almost every flashlight does. Yes it takes a single 18650
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Re: Various lasers 4 sale

The 2.15W 445nm may be back up for sale if the person who wants it doesn't pay by first thing Wednesday morning.
Re: Various lasers 4 sale

Ok I want that 405. I had my chrome 12x pen it took 2 AAAs i think the boost driver is going/or the ld went over time it would dim and whine if a AAA couldn't give the current i needed fresh nimhs for it.
Re: Various lasers 4 sale

All set to mail a couple packages this morning. If anyone wants anything before Christmas let me know soon. Ask about the special Pman discount. It's the season of giving so give me an order and I'll give you a discount;)
Re: Various lasers 4 sale

Pman discount !??! I never heard this ?!?! Lol JK I feel 90$ for a 3watt is a HUGE discount. You da man, Pman :P :D :) :beer:
Re: Various lasers 4 sale

Yeah, I discount everything anyways but starting today (sorry guys, no back pay) 20% off everything.
Re: Various lasers 4 sale

Thats ok, no more lasers for me till a bit into the new year. Im low on cash and next payday is 2 weeks away. I think i have enough new toys for awhile tho :P
Re: Various lasers 4 sale

Here's a quick pic for what's left in class 4. Someone asked me for a quick pic:
Re: Various lasers 4 sale

No, all 445nm. Really cheap though with the discount.

Going away from Sunday through at least late Thursday to do the visitation thing. Could change though as my daughter is due with our first grandchild January 13th but they may induce early.
Re: Various lasers 4 sale

No, all 445nm. Really cheap though with the discount.

Going away from Sunday through at least late Thursday to do the visitation thing. Could change though as my daughter is due with our first grandchild January 13th but they may induce early.

Good luck to you and your daughter!:D:beer:
