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FrozenGate by Avery

5mW ebay pen pushing 161mW!!!

Nov 11, 2009
I recently sent my small collection of lasers to Nefarious(Chris) to have them specd. It was cool to see the actual power of the lasers, but the craziest find was when he reported to me that the 5mW module I ripped out of an $8 ebay pen and turned the pot, hit a peak of 161mW and averages 120mW. I really wasnt expecting the laser to last this long but its been beaming for almost 2 months with average use. I know a lot of you are going to think this is bull$*&%, but its no lie. BTW: this is 532nm.

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I was quite surprised by the output on that one myself. I think it had a higher output than any of the others. Makes me consider ripping apart all my ebay greenies and seeing what I can get out of them. I did get one green off ebay that was (un-modded) putting out almost 70mW! It burns just as good as my $100 pointer from a reputable dealer. The ebay pointers for the most part run around 30mW without touching the pot.
I was quite surprised by the output on that one myself. I think it had a higher output than any of the others. Makes me consider ripping apart all my ebay greenies and seeing what I can get out of them. I did get one green off ebay that was (un-modded) putting out almost 70mW! It burns just as good as my $100 pointer from a reputable dealer. The ebay pointers for the most part run around 30mW without touching the pot.

I bought 15 of them from the same guy on feebay. Two of them barely worked, I sold 8 to a few friends of mine, and the rest I kept to mess with. For the $8 it cost I was happy with it the way it was but not scared to mess with the pot.

ahh awesome find, always nice when you get a little surprise like that :)
Nice find, things like this make me want to buy 20 Ebays, and see if any are that good. Keep us updated.
I recently sent my small collection of lasers to Nefarious(Chris) to have them specd. It was cool to see the actual power of the lasers, but the craziest find was when he reported to me that the 5mW module I ripped out of an $8 ebay pen and turned the pot, hit a peak of 161mW and averages 120mW.

Is it really that unstable? All my diodes have very stable outputs. Usually the term "peak" is used with DPSS lasers because their outputs aren't as stable as diode lasers
Is it really that unstable? All my diodes have very stable outputs. Usually the term "peak" is used with DPSS lasers because their outputs aren't as stable as diode lasers

I think it hits 161mW during the first couple moments its turned on then settles around 120mW, and it is a DDSS green.

By any chance was he using a LaserCheck or any other wavelength-specific meter? A tiny bit of IR can completely throw off the readings on those meters.
realista- It really doesn't matter. None of them check outputs. Usually any newwish green laser will be the same.
