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505nm diode?

Hi, Rich and ZRaffleticket. I am always available to test any new diodes. I have an Ocean Optics USB2000 spectrometer and the necessary heat sinks, modules, and good PSs to test any LD. I am looking forward to testing the 505nm for Rich and the rest of the forum. If you have other diodes that you would like tested, I would be happy to do so. :D
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Wouldn't we all be :whistle:

What a time to get a job, have money, and come back to this hobby. Holy hell.
Can someone either post a price on these 480's or send out some pms with that and source info. Will still be waiting til one hits a spectrometer but it would be nice to be able to work out my budget to include a few new diodes. Also may help prevent price gouging on these when they come into more stock of them. Would suck to see them relist them at $400 each if you guys paid closer to $75-$100 each. I understand not throwing up sources on untested diodes but is a ballpark price too much to ask?
As far as pricing goes, it didn't even approach your lower guess.

Try <$50 :)

Edit: Look at your PM's more info.
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Got a link for the supposed 480nm diodes?

Hi Curtis, i can't wait to see the 480 in action after testing for currents evaluation. Nice beam shot buddy looks awesome
@ cynical,
The supplier had just a few on had at the moment hopefully they will get more.


Is this 480nm in a reasonable price range?

Hi Atom,
No Not yet but soon will do testing first to make sure they are legit. i will let folks know they are worth buying first.


What's with all the subterfuge? Is it just me or have no sources been stated yet for these 480nm diodes?

If what I'm reading is right then I'm sure I can speak for all of us when I say we're very grateful for the testing, but not sure why we're keeping the source a secret. I'd wait for you to test them before buying as I'm sure others would, so why the secret? :p
The diodes are unlisted by my source... Finding these was the result of explicitly asking around. I sent out about 20 emails to various suppliers; I'm not stating my source for two reasons:

1) I don't want to be undercut. Mine are samples as well, and are the last they have in stock. I don't wanna say I'm desperate, but I would like to be sure I can still get these. Again, I didn't actually purchase them yet... I'm waiting for a response for payment options whenever they get in their office
2) They are unlisted from my source - I'm not sure if they have a reason for holding the info.

I hope that's enough to create some understanding...

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Hi EP.
Im sending one to Paul to evaluate the efficiency so no one gets burned. I will be willing to buy them to test first thats all buddy. Hey i put out so others don't have to I think thats what members do for each other. I wouldn't mind giving the info so everyone can benefit from it.
So when are you going to start making those brass copper sinked hosts . So really awesome to see some work done here close to home.

They would likely be great in gun sights though, considering it is sitting at the scotopic peak.


I know very little about guns, but... isn't shooting in the dark generally frowned upon?
Good news, I got mine ordered.

480nm @ 50mW

Pinout: 1 (-), 2 , 3 (+) where 2 is the single pin on top and 1 and 3 are in line. Not sure about case voltage. I'll attach a picture in the morning when I have good Internet. Hotels suck.
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Good news, I got mine ordered.

480nm @ 50mW

Pinout: 1 (-), 2 , 3 (+) where 2 is the single pin on top and 1 and 3 are in line. Not sure about case voltage. I'll attach a picture in the morning when I have good Internet. Hotels suck.

If all goes well We will have Spectrum results tomorrow :D I am SO excited.
Good news, I got mine ordered.

480nm @ 50mW

Pinout: 1 (-), 2 , 3 (+) where 2 is the single pin on top and 1 and 3 are in line. Not sure about case voltage. I'll attach a picture in the morning when I have good Internet. Hotels suck.

I'm not sure what you mean by this, but it looks like the case might be pin 2 and the polarity of the diode is reversed from that of the M140 diode.

. pin 2 .

pin 1 . pin 3 .
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So where do I input low amounts of $$ and receive 505nm and 480nm diodes?? Looks like I'll have to break out the old pen laser building tools...it's been some time since I've put together a handheld laser.

and ZRaffleticket: the 476nm/480nm is gone?? I'm so sorry to hear that. Did it pop or did it get lost? My 476nm laser is one of my prized possessions. I used it for most of my presentations in college and had to put it in a new case because the old one was so beat up. I'd be pretty devastated if mine was gone. I have lost some of my other good lasers though due to horrible organization skills on my part...


I know very little about guns, but... isn't shooting in the dark generally frowned upon?

Ha ha, good point. Nothing like flinging lead in darkness. :D I'm no gun expert either, but there is a big market of accessories for shooting in low light conditions...definitely aimed at military/police and "self defense" scenarios over hunting/target shooting though. I think "mesopic" would be a better word choice than scotopic here though...and in that case good ol' 532nm would probably be the best. When I shoot it's typically with iron sights though...(in daylight mind you)
Cool! Thanks, Rich. If you have tracking, could you send me that? Just want to know when it might arrive. :D
