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50 laser $ 24.8

I smell advertising... he's selling lasers for that site just as someone above pointed out. this should be considered spamming i guess...

Dont try and sell us a laser that we KNOW is just a laser sold on a web-site someplace, we are easily capable of finding it outselves, this is a community for learning, not advertising websites products alone.

If you were doing other things, such as contributing... you might not get any flack for this, but i think your here JUST to promote... not a good start friend.. i can see your rep is already in the negative... theres prolly a reason for that...

Tyler - Dark Lasers
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WTF?? Dark, who are you to open your mouth about advertising.. pot calling the kettle black, eh?

At least he opened this thread in the proper section. Therefore it is perfectly acceptable for this thread to exist here. This section is exactly the right spot for this kind of advertising..

If we're going to nitpick things, let's make sure we have some semblance of an understanding of how things are supposed to work. It is NOT necessary to post reviews, share information, or discuss build ideas to start a thread in the BST section. The BST section is for buying , selling, and trading. That's it. Got something laser-related to sell? (the OP does) Start a thread here. It's as simple as that. Now let's spend our time and energy doing something worthwhile, shall we? Instead of spending our time picking on new sellers.
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Dolphin felt he had to lie about where the laser was coming from. "Not a company, just is my laser," I wouldn't trust him personally.
