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5 stars for Gizmo.

Nov 4, 2014
I wanted to take a moment and say thank you to Gizmo. I purchased from him his CNI PGL-C-III 532nm 800mW. He was a perfect seller and was prompt to answer all my questions and got it in the post immediately upon receiving the funds. So Gizmo, thank you very much.

I love this laser. I am so happy to have it. I have been working extra days saving up to buy either a Jet Laser or CNI 800mW so jumped at the opportunity to acquire this laser from him. It took me a few times to get the feel for the new to me safety features and I am already feeling more comfortable using it. It has my utmost respect and I am glad it has the safety mechanisms that it does. This is a very powerful laser as most here know.

Anyways its silly but I'm really excited to have this awesome item in my growing collection. I also finally gathered up the courage to get my feet wet building my own. I am working on a set of RGB Kryton Grooves with GITD purchased from Grainde. Also an excellent seller btw. I just need to pick up some copper nails tomorrow to finish the first one. Tomorrows my first day off in a while and my plans are to finish the blue and red builds. For the blue I am using a 1W 462nm. I have been trying to teach myself from reading here how to set the drivers. I wish to do everything that is realistically feasible in building my lasers from here on. So I also wish to thank everyone that has been patient and helpful for me to reach my small goals. Thanks LPF.
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Mar 11, 2009
Congrats on the new monster. Where are the pictures we all love to see???? I myself want to learn what you have learned. Setting drivers is a goal of mine for about a year now but haven't figured out where to start. I would also like to learn enough about building lasers (built a few want to be expert) to start a tutorial thread with videos showing and explaining all the steps to build a laser from scratch. I enjoy making videos so it's something I ponder.
Nov 4, 2014
Congrats on the new monster. Where are the pictures we all love to see???? I myself want to learn what you have learned. Setting drivers is a goal of mine for about a year now but haven't figured out where to start. I would also like to learn enough about building lasers (built a few want to be expert) to start a tutorial thread with videos showing and explaining all the steps to build a laser from scratch. I enjoy making videos so it's something I ponder.

Thank buddy! I will happily add a bunch of pics tomorrow night.
As a new comer to this hobby I can say that that would be a really great thing for people such as myself that are trying to learn all they can. I know some people get frustrated at basic questions and feel that all the information is easily found but it often times isn't. A start to finish series of tutorials would be incredibly useful to many people. Great idea Starlight! If I can be of any help please don't hesitate to let me know. I have also thought about doing the same but don't feel I am qualified to make a tutorial. Hopefully someday I will.
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Nov 28, 2012
Just learn learn learn and be nice.
Oh yeah, try not to spend all your time and $ on it lol


Jan 8, 2013
I'd like to thank nwfreefly for being a good buyer and a dedicated lpf.com member!

I hope this powerful green laser will serve you well for many years to come, my friend:). Enjoy!

In the meantime::lasergun:
Jul 4, 2012
I'd like to thank nwfreefly for being a good buyer and a dedicated lpf.com member!

I hope this powerful green laser will serve you well for many years to come, my friend:). Enjoy!

In the meantime::lasergun:

I second that! LPF needs more people like him (and less "how do I 303 laser durr" people). Can't wait to see your groove set :beer:


LPF Site Supporter
Oct 14, 2012
nwfreefly, a big congrats on snagging that beauty from gizmo, it's definitely a keeper for sure! :D BTW, that's a nice work area you've got there.

Not to hijack your thread too much, but I thought I'd also chime in with my 2 cents worth on great transactions with gizmo.
I also just made a purchase from him, and wholeheartedly agree, gizmo has been a pleasure doing business with for sure: - 5 stars ...and 2 thumbs up! :beer:

If anyone hasn't visited gizmo's F.S. thread, check it out, IIRC, there is still a couple of very gently used lasers up for grabs!


Nov 28, 2012
Nice work area? You haven't seen a nice work area until you scratch up and get epoxy all over your washer and dryer tops;) Not so good when I try to solder and they are running. Don't wanna talk about some burn marks in the floor....
I could actually use another big laser case for the new adapter mod stuff but there's no place to put another case in my office. Really should bite the bullet and just sell some of it. Keep saying that but can't bring myself to do it. Too difficult for me to decide what to keep and what to let go. Kind of stupid really since I've given away probably 50 units by now.
That work area does look really nice.
My wife took over my daughters room when she got married and it's now her office. Have been tempted to use my sons room to do stuff on but it's the opposite of where my office is in the laundry area:(
Sep 5, 2013
Congratulations on your new laser! Im in love with the PGL-III-C host myself, and having a 800mW 532 green in there just makes it that much more beautiful!

Enjoy that beast and post pics! :D

Nov 4, 2014
Congratulations on your new laser! Im in love with the PGL-III-C host myself, and having a 800mW 532 green in there just makes it that much more beautiful!

Enjoy that beast and post pics! :D

Thank you Alex. I really love this host and laser! I couldn't be happier with this purchase.
I haven't forgot to post beam pics. Its been very clear and bright nights here in Portland and I want to do this laser justice with some quality pics. But for now Ill lave you guys with a sample.
100mW, 400mW, 900mW 532nm.
