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4th of July reminder...

Jan 8, 2009
Remember the 4th July is commin and that means allot of spent Phos. in the air... That's gonna make for some great beam shots.

Last year I was out in the neiborhood and had my portable 200mW
greenie going and the Fire Chief was crusing around...He stopped and ask what in the world was that. I told him and he said "sorry never seen a laser like that before".

It looked like a Herc 500mW w/ all that firework smoke lingering.

Get prepared people.:wave::wave::wave:

I'm going to Maine, and once in a while, they have fireworks, but the thing is I'm in Canada, is it legal for me to bring lasers?

I would really like to try it with my 100mW blu-ray, 200mW red and 20mW green.

PS: I'm going to Ogunquit.
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Remember the 4th July is commin and that means allot of spent Phos. in the air... That's gonna make for some great beam shots.

Last year I was out in the neiborhood and had my portable 200mW
greenie going and the Fire Chief was crusing around...He stopped and ask what in the world was that. I told him and he said "sorry never seen a laser like that before".

It looked like a Herc 500mW w/ all that firework smoke lingering.

Get prepared people.:wave::wave::wave:

Can't wait. :) Unfortionately, I don't have anything nearly as strong as a 200mW green laser.:(
Can't wait. :) Unfortionately, I don't have anything nearly as strong as a 200mW green laser.:(

Your laser's will be fine for that my man... all that free smoke running around... That KD50 will look like a 200 mW w/that cloud, just remember to take pics. I know your good at those.:):):)
Fully computer automated laser shows and PILES of mortar shells at the ElektroFreak party.. The neighbors are gonna love it.
Border Crossing with Lasers

i'm going to maine, and once in a while, they have fireworks, but the thing is i'm in canada, is it legal for me to bring lasers?

I would really like to try it with my 100mw blu-ray, 200mw red and 20mw green.

Ps: I'm going to ogunquit.

hoop it!
Lol, Old Ochard is really a nice place... Ogunquit is way better, and cleaner. I went once, but that was last time I did.

BTW, I never sing on the beach...

Most of the Canadiens who go to Maine are from Quebec. So they probably speak french..
We have a fireworks festival every year between the Detroit and Windsor border, probably one of the bigger ones in the world. (Don't think it's 4th of July though, its a couple days before) I will bring my lasers, it's going to be sweeeet. Yes I am on the Canada side, not the ghetto US side.
Well in Montreal we have the lotto 6-49 fireworks, every summer, close to the "Champlain" bridge. They're huge, and they do it for a few nights. I even see them from here. I'm so going there this year.
You have no idea how much I have wanted this day to come :eg: You guys know what I'm talking about :D
