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473nm 100mw vs 20mw 532nm laser

Jun 6, 2014
I just bought a 473nm ple pro that peaks around 100mw from LPF member Gozert. i don't have it yet as its just getting shipped today.

If anyone else has a 100mw 473nm laser id love to see fog-less beamshots to show the actual brightness pof the beam. every 473nm beamshot i see uses fog. i used the laser brightness calculator and it says a 20mw green will equal the beam brighness of a 100mw 473nm laser. now for me a 1w 405 beam is crazy visible to me so i might see lower wavelengths better then most. i want to know in real life how much 532nm i would need to equal the 100mw 473nm ?

any beamshots will be very much appreciated :)

It's going to vary - beam brightness isn't a constant at constant power. Lighting, camera settings, beam specs and atmospheric conditions will all affect it. Humidity and dust being the big contributors for atmospheric conditions.

It *should* be about as bright as ~20mW of 532nm, the calculator is correct there.
It's going to vary - beam brightness isn't a constant at constant power. Lighting, camera settings, beam specs and atmospheric conditions will all affect it. Humidity and dust being the big contributors for atmospheric conditions.

It *should* be about as bright as ~20mW of 532nm, the calculator is correct there.

i will be doing an extensive review when i get it including a lpm graph. I bought this laser more for the color and im going to try my luck at some photography work with it with some clear glass earths like i did in this thread.
Ha, I went to that thread and commented and Repped you and Bruce before realizing it was an old post lol
+4 to both of you....
I guess I can sort of demonstrate this. I have some pens emitting 532 which are in the low 10's of milliWatts and a ~150mW 473. The 473 might even still be brighter, depends on the beam tightness. Either way, both beams will be visible.
Idk, here's one very lightly fogged 160mW-ish:

