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FrozenGate by Avery

405 help

Yeah, connect to different driver. Set up some simple LM317 assembly and try it out.
Diodes don't usually go just like that.

Fried diodes, that is, those that went LED do have a very faint emission like a very weak LED, hence the name.

I purchased a new BDR-S06J sled from scopeguy20 and rebuilt my laser. I did everything the same except I was exceptionally more efficient at soldering the diode to the driver and I made sure to discharge the driver before connecting the diode. What do ya know I have a working 12x build!

Thank You everyone for your input.
Awesome! :beer: Theres nothing quite like seeing a build lase for the first time :)
make a Burning vid :p nice to hear its up and running although i hope you didnt fry that other diode. Before i connect a diode to a driver I short it out numerous times just to make sure :D
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