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FrozenGate by Avery

317 Driver help


Make sure there is no solder bridge between these two strips at this point..  The pot's pins are all connected to the same strip. It is being shorted across itself. You need to rotate it by 90 degrees and then resolder accordingly..

ElektroFreak said:
[highlight]The pot's pins are all connected to the same strip. It is being shorted across itself. [/highlight]You need to rotate it by 90 degrees and then resolder accordingly..

This is the big thing here... With your pot shorted out you're effectively turning it up to maximum.

That's your problem.
Thanks guys the problem was the pot and me as i thought the metal on the board was not conductive but it is :-[

thanks for all the help!
The pot's pins are all connected to the same strip. It is being shorted across itself. You need to rotate it by 90 degrees and then resolder accordingly..
Good spot! ;) The back views were not up when I signed off last night, it explains the overheating components!

Glad you got it sorted :)

Regards rog8811
ben74 said:
Thanks guys the problem was the pot and me as i thought the metal on the board was not conductive but it is  :-[
thanks for all the help!
For future reference,

I would not trust the little copper pad strips on the PC Boards that you showed there. I had many hours of troubleshooting and the problem was a weak connection on those lines of copper that I thought were conductive...

I have found it's best to make a line of solder to get very high conductivity.

good luck with your projects.

Here's some good info on [link=http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Bill_Bowden/page12.htm]LM317 voltage regulators[/link] also.

