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FrozenGate by Avery

301 Laser Output Test by LPM

You also need to be able to speak Chinglish, as there is no such thing as a green violet laser. They often misspeak when describing items for sale. It is likely a 405nm violet laser with the output power somewhere between 50 mW and maybe 100 mW.

Well they're Malaysian, not Chinese, but you're generally accurate, the auction itself really is bereft with spelling mistakes and out-right confusing sentences. They don't even tell buyers that they'll be receiving a nice box to house the laser, either. Therefore, they're really doing themselves no favors.

So, while the seller clearly doesn't really know what they're selling, the actual product exceeded my expectations.

I can understand the skepticism on its output, but as the pointer has a more honest label stating "< 200 mW output", and it is noticeably brighter than the comparably priced 405nm laser 301. I'm going to stand by my "eyeballing" opinion that it is emitting at least about 150 mW, until such time that someone tests the laser with a LPM and proves me wrong, and if you do, I'll send you my hat, it's a very-very nice hat by the way.

Anyone willing to take the bet?

For science.
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put the laser close to the sensor is mainly to show what laser is testing. i'm not chasing high number. and our lasers are claimed lower output than the test. i think the number doesn't really matter, as long as it doesn't have great differences. the laser pointer is a whole thing, with laser diode, host, driver, lens, and different wavelength and power. just my personal opinions. :beer:
Unfortunately customers do want to know the
correct numbers...:beer:
Holding the Laser too close to the LPM sensor
can falsify the reading due to IR heat produced
by the Laser and/or your hand and may even
damage the sensor's coating if touched by the

If the numbers don't really matter why do you
bother to test the Lasers on an LPM ???

I purchased a "301" laser quite a number of months ago but it is violet, not DPSS green.
I haven't spetroed or LPMed it yet, but it is of decent output power -- when the focus is adjusted so that its beam comes to a point, it will cause smoke to issue from wood and dark plastic.

I believe that I purchased this on Ebay as a "5mW" laser. :-p
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I purchased a "301" laser quite a number of months ago but it is violet, not DPSS green.
I haven't spetroed or LPMed it yet, but it is of decent output power -- when the focus is adjusted so that its beam comes to a point, it will cause smoke to issue from wood and dark plastic.

I believe that I purchased this on Ebay as a "5mW" laser. :-p

Those don't put out much optical power. Usually around 80 mW, but they can be focused down to a very small dot. This makes the power density of the beam profile much higher than it would be otherwise. For the money, they are worth having in your collection.
