Here is an update to that -- I recharged the batt today to it max and that sure made a difference. The dot got so bright that I was unable to look at it when pointing to a white-ish wall. BUT: I went outside now in the dark and was not crazy-amazed of the power. I tested the burning today at work, and it burned thru black platic in notime. it also fried black plastic and smoke appeared in 1-2 sec

still -- i would recommd the >10mW laser gadget lasershow red box thing from ledshoppe. open it, mod it with a screwdriver an u have very nice bright beam. it does burn black plasticbag aswell,... and just $12 rules
If I would recommend, you buy and remove the cover. Take out the little plastic 10x10mm plastic grid in the front so you get one beam and not a grid. Then turn the pot aaaaall the way until the diode is superbright

Then put brand new AAA batts in place (not the ones which comes with it) and you should get a nice laser. The inside of this unit is exctly the same as the 50mW ledshoppe green laser pointer

And then I would save up for a nice 500mW instead
I wish someone could line up ALL the possible versions of good green lasers so we can look at the beams in parallell. The whole lineup from 5mW to 500mW
It is difficult to know if a 500mW will be killler bright. I mean, If I have a 50mW from before, I would expect 500mW to be totally awesome and worth the money
