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FrozenGate by Avery

2.5w 445nm laser.

At the very least it is a very bad example. I gave the wife a verbal lashing for getting my face on camera!

I just bought (and received) this from DK- it works fantastic- build quality seems great, though I didn't open it to look inside (external machining looks nice, and the host is solid, no rattles).

I metered it on my radiant alpha- surprise! Maxed out my meter at 2W :D

Maxed it out quick, so 2.5W avg. is a reasonable figure :)

It does burn quick- burns better with an out of focus beam than my 1.5W does focused.

THe heat sink is probably overkill- during a 25-30 second test the host didn't get warm at all- but then again it's huge!


PS- I DID wear goggles for the test :D I'm legally blind in one eye, so I have to be extra careful..
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DK, you probably want to use some goggles when you measure that thing on an LPM....:eek:
You can see your face around 55 seconds on that vid
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Hey I am in the same part of the world as you. Let me know if you ever want to bounce any idea off of each other and I have a lathe here for projects.

I foresee many great builds coming in your near future. I'm looking forward to seeing what hosts you will be bringing to the forum. It sounds like you've got the bug.
I really just like to tinker. I have access to all kind of large mills and lathes at work and a massive 8x16 cnc router not to mention every tool I the world for sheet metal. I built my own cnc router a while back a 24x 48 model. I have pics of that if anyone is interested. Otherwise I just have a 7x14 mini lathe at home. I am a regular over on candle power forums as well. I understand just enough of this to make stuff if it has already been done before and there is a parts list already out there. I like to get stuff a perfect as I can. No half ass goin on over here. I appreciate the confidence and praise.
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FYI I made another host identical to this one and I ordered the 2 diods from DTR at the same time. The other diode is not tested but I am expecting it to lay down comparable numbers. Of corse you never know until you test it.
You can hope, Out of the 8 or so M140 diodes I have received only 2 have been able to hit 2.5, others 2.2-2.3 and then a couple at 2-2.1.
You can hope, Out of the 8 or so M140 diodes I have received only 2 have been able to hit 2.5, others 2.2-2.3 and then a couple at 2-2.1.

In the test video I know it only hit 2513mw but I tested it before and it hit 2566mw and right before I boxed it up it hit 2540mw I am positive that I could of placed it closer to the sensor and focused it a bit more and cleared 2600mw.
