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FrozenGate by Avery

1w 520nm LD for 7.99$? Confused!

This looks like the same guy that's selling the RGB laser for $9 on this thread. :wtf:
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The sellers rep at this time is 83.something%
Not to negate the scam concerns.... but he only
has 1 negative feedback and 5 Positive feedbacks.
If he had 2 total feedbacks with 1 Neg and 1 Pos
he would be at a 50% rating.

There is really not enough total feedback to really
know anything for certain.

I usually don't buy from eBay seller with less than
98% feedback and thousands of total feedback.
Either way PayPal will cover me. So there is minimal
financial risk.... IMO

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If you look at his feedback then you will see that one of his positives was also meant to of been a negative.

I didin t get the power bank I ordered.The shipping date was 2nd of April.

Well, the only way to find out for sure is for someone to order. If he is legit, how comes he is selling these so cheap? :thinking:
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If you look at his feedback then you will see that one of his positives was also meant to of been a negative.

Well, the only way to find out for sure is for someone to order. If he is legit, how comes he is selling these so cheap? :thinking:

If this is true, than the only thing I can think of is, stolen arrays from the assembly line.
I wouldn't put it past people. He is selling these diodes way too cheap for my liking. If anything he must be selling them for not much more than the manufacturing cost.
Seems like a lot of effort for a <$20 scam on eBay though PayPal or CC. I don't see this working in the sellers favor. Baffled here.
Seems like a lot of effort for a <$20 scam on eBay though PayPal or CC. I don't see this working in the sellers favor. Baffled here.

That's confusing me ... if you were going to scam people, wouldn't you up the price? :confused:
It all is very odd indeed. Although, I would be very happy if I can get a 400mW RGB for £7.00. :p
Can't believe no one is smart enough to send him an email and ask!

So I'll do it for you guys, if he responds arrogantly then it's a scam!
