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1064 mm 1.5 watt PL-E Pro DPSS safety and availability

I have taken apart several 532nm pointers and what's coming out of the 808nm pump diode is a highly divergent rectangle ( seem on screen via security camera ) and I have by hand placed a yvo4/ktp crystal pair with the mirrors build in over that 808 and made it lase a needle thin beam of green, so just as I have read the photons like to line up in the crystal on their own, so by all means, safely of course, give it a try, you will likely want to experiment with a lens to focus into the crystal.
Chris, they look good. Should have no problem getting some decent power out of those rods.

Yep, thanks for confirming Robert. That's why DPSS lasers have good specs.
Robert, that's good to know I don't need to focus to such a tiny little uniform spot in a YVO4, thanks :)

Yeppers Curtis, these rods were probably run at 50 watts or higher 808 nm into them, perhaps twice that. Anyone have an idea for their size?
Just be aware that a rod like that would probably need the pump beam focused if you intend to end pump it. A small rectangular crystal is not really that fussy. But you are going to want to stimulate the length of the rod at a reasonable threshold for leasing efficiently.
I have seen the 808 pump diodes used with no lens and I have seen some with a small lens, but I have a bunch of parts from broken pointers and I have worked with them, when I set the crystal pair on top of the flat brass that holds the 808 I move the crystal pair in it's little holder around and you can see it start to make green light, then when I get it just right I have a beam that's amazingly thin Gaussian beam and it diverges round even though the 808 is putting in a rectangle.

You can easily take apart a cheap 532 pointer and play with the pump as a working hand held rectangle spot flashlight with bad divergence visible via, security camera or any camera without an IR filter, try pumping your crystal and see what you get, safely of course. :)
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We're talking about delivering an adequate amount of pump energy to the crystal, so ideally a fl lens that is in proportion to the length of the rod. ==() ||>[|||||]<|| ()============ At least this isn't a ruby rod, so it doesn't absorb it's own emission.
|| = mirrors, () = lenses, [|||||] = rod, ==><== = beam.
Robert, the thing is that rod isn't out of a pointer like assembly. That is a much higher power system, and would of been incorporated in linear or ring laser cavities.
You would to make a cavity, but a single pass design should still yield decent results for your application. The highest efficiency and power will be from a cavity though.
What I need is a small mill and lathe along with the skills to build my own pointers, I keep finding these cool parts but not building yet. Although Trinh made some nice pointers for me with huge chambers, I can fit this into one of those with plenty of room for everything else.
Yes and it can be a little picky to align but you will see it start and can easily adjust it, here's a quick video I just made showing the rectangle pump making a round green dot via. crystal pair with mirror surfaces, the little brass puck has the tiny 2 part crystal with it's mirror surfaces, I just set it on top and played with it for a few seconds until it was aligned, it's not even the crystal pair that came with the pointer

No lenses at all

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I wish for those things too Chris. Those hosts you sent out would actually be ideal for something like this. Good battery capacity, thermal properties and space for the parts.

Nice video Robert. (y)
Yep, that's a wide beam output, thanks Robert. With the FAC lens on my diode, even better.

Edit: Curtis, This host is even better, Trinh made several of these for me, they are designed for dual NUBM44, one into a rotator, both into a PBS cube and 6X cylinder pair at the output.

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Yep, that's a wide beam output, thanks Robert. With the FAC lens on my diode, even better.

Edit: Curtis, This host is even better, Trinh made several of these for me, they are designed for dual NUBM44, one into a rotator, both into a PBS cube and 6X cylinder pair at the output.

Again though, this is a small pointer crystal assembly. So basically the small fl lens would be replaced with a slightly longer one.

Edit: Wow, what a host. Trinh sure does do a good job.

You are also insane for having a dual NUBM44. :p
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