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FrozenGate by Avery

1.6W 445nm Polished Aluminum Ehgemus Host Review - My New Centerpiece

Re: 1.5W 445nm Polished Aluminum Ehgemus Host Review - My New Centerpiece

yes that's it I miss the heat sink aluminum or copper where can I buy

Just PM Jayrob or Flaminpyro. Either can make you any kind of heatsink you need.

Re: 1.5W 445nm Polished Aluminum Ehgemus Host Review - My New Centerpiece

is there anyone who sells these? this is the best looking laser iv seen. (and i love the power lol).
Re: 1.5W 445nm Polished Aluminum Ehgemus Host Review - My New Centerpiece

is there anyone who sells these? this is the best looking laser iv seen. (and i love the power lol).

Just send a PM to Ehgemus.;)
Re: 1.5W 445nm Polished Aluminum Ehgemus Host Review - My New Centerpiece

Just send a PM to Ehgemus.;)

Cool thanks. Im not much of a DIY guy, never tried, but i still just rather get one from someone who knows what they are doing. Already have one of yobresal's on the way... but I may need one of these too lol.
Re: 1.5W 445nm Polished Aluminum Ehgemus Host Review - My New Centerpiece

Cool thanks. Im not much of a DIY guy, never tried, but i still just rather get one from someone who knows what they are doing. Already have one of yobresal's on the way... but I may need one of these too lol.

Nothing is better than the satisfaction you get from building your own.:beer:

Before I joined this forum during the Arctic mania I had never even owned a laser before and I now have built many. So go for it. It really is not as hard as it seems.;)
Re: 1.5W 445nm Polished Aluminum Ehgemus Host Review - My New Centerpiece

hello all

I'm a fan of laser and I would build my first laser notebook.

I would like to achieve the same as on the video:
YouTube - DIY: How To Build A 1W Burning Blue Laser Torch!

good start for me I know very little laser but the problem is that I do it or not buy all the components described in the video (Diode-140 drive and flex)

So I ask you to help me in this quest

I would like a minimum laser power 1watt

Thank you all

I seriously do not recommend getting anything near 1W as your first laser. Start of with a 5mW green you can get at dealextreme for example and still be very carefull with it, newer point at anyone or any reflective surface and beaware of the IR output because it does not have an IR filter.

Have you seen 5mW of green live? or 50mW of green live? If not then definently don't even think of getting a 1W laser.
Re: 1.5W 445nm Polished Aluminum Ehgemus Host Review - My New Centerpiece

i'm actually getting all the parts for this exact build. I have the host and just ordered the flexdrive and a glass lens. Now all i need is a battery and a diode I'm also using your same method as the host will be the heatsink too.
Re: 1.5W 445nm Polished Aluminum Ehgemus Host Review - My New Centerpiece

I have now modified this unit so the driver is sinked with the host body via a coin mod.

I took a penny and ground it flat on both sides then bent the coin slightly on both sides.


I had to bend a little and check to see if it has contact with the host walls and repeat until I got a good fit.


Then I mounted a new flex set to max on the coin with some thermal adhesive.


Once the driver was set it was time to mount the coin in the host. Used an alligator clip to hold it against the host until the adhesive dried.


Then all I had to do is solder the diode to the new driver leads.


*LPM Test*:can:


And who says a penny is worthless.:crackup:
#4, 1000 IS NOT a beginner power, you can light stuff on fire thats not normally even easily flammable, as well as yourself, as well as giving yourself skin cancer

I don't think 445nm lasers can give you cancer. I believe you need something under 400nm for that. Just sayin'

I wasn't trying to start a dispute, i had just heard/read that 445nm does not cause cancer.


I am more inclined to trust informed people on LPF than to trust Wikipedia a site where any idiot with a computer can write whatever he wants. :crackup:

Unless of course there have major breakthroughs on this topic in the last few months of course.
nice build !! i like the chrome!
made me think of me cubans, are they really better? i wouldnt know. reminds me of a laser noob, what kind of user besides a connoisseur (informed enthusiasts) would know, some subtleties noticed
Dude, you're going to destroy the US economy by destroying so much money. I'm going to ask you to move with my Nigerian friends :D
