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FrozenGate by Avery


Sep 8, 2007
YouTube - 0211102044-00.3gp

i don't know how to do the in media thing so if some body would post that it would be great
sorry for the crappy camera it was my hope other wise i bet this would have been alot cooler
the best is from 2:50 on

Neat. Thanks for that video. If you made a circle for a while I assume it would carve the snow into a perfect circle.

An idea I just thought of would be to figure out how long it takes to melt the snow and create a show that would sculpt the snow into a 3d design. Probably wouldn't work because the snow is not very uniform and the beam might be redirected because of the snow. Basically scanning a complete X/Y pattern and staying variably longer in the spots that need to be deeper.
you guys do relise that that is the sky that i am drawing on right.... thats not the ground thats the falling show.... this sucker is powerfull.

thanks for the embed help :P

oh ya its upside down... stupid me :P

Looks much better when I turn my monitor upside down!

Seriously though... Any chance of a fix for this video? It's a real shame not to be able to enjoy it properly.

you guys do relise that that is the sky that i am drawing on right.... thats not the ground thats the falling show.... this sucker is powerfull.

thanks for the embed help :P

oh ya its upside down... stupid me :P

lol, why did u record the video upside down, btw pretty nice
umm well it wasn't intentional it was taken with my cell phone and that was the only way it would stand up next to the laser..... but oh well its just to demonstrate the power of 1.5W :P
When I watched this first time I couldn't understand what patterns it was making, it wasn't until someone pointed out it was upside down I realized how impressive it was lol :)

great setup, looks awesome.
O Yea you can do this but you have to use the black snow so there are no reflections :crackup:

Neat. Thanks for that video. If you made a circle for a while I assume it would carve the snow into a perfect circle.

An idea I just thought of would be to figure out how long it takes to melt the snow and create a show that would sculpt the snow into a 3d design. Probably wouldn't work because the snow is not very uniform and the beam might be redirected because of the snow. Basically scanning a complete X/Y pattern and staying variably longer in the spots that need to be deeper.
