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FrozenGate by Avery

1.2W Lazerer Rifle

It takes two of the CR123 sized batteries.

The Ultrafires have the following written on them: "high rate discharge, no memory effect; short circuit, over charge, and discharge protection, PCB life is 10 years, it is GREEN"

so they are protected cells. that can be the problem. my 501b laser doesnt like protected cells at all. wont work with them period. try buying some unprotected 16340 for cheap

try buying two of THESE

ive bought 4 of those and they are great for cheap 16340s
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What turns me away from it being the protected cells is that he has to wait before it will come back on. The protection circuit should turn off after the load is gone so it would flicker almost. At least in my experience. I wouldn't run two different batteries.
speedy, the protected cells i tried in my 445nm laser wouldnt even let the laser turn on.....some lasers just dont like protected cells at all for some reason
so they are protected cells. that can be the problem. my 501b laser doesnt like protected cells at all. wont work with them period. try buying some unprotected 16340 for cheap

Well that is a relief.

Any recommendations off hand for a few? I will head to the battery forums here, but wanted to know what brand you used that your laser enjoyed so much.

I used to have a multiy meter, but had to give it back to Uncle Sam when I left. The laser hobby is my excuse to try and get back into tinkering, beyond my telescope hobby.
What turns me away from it being the protected cells is that he has to wait before it will come back on. The protection circuit should turn off after the load is gone so it would flicker almost. At least in my experience. I wouldn't run two different batteries.

I figured out one big part to the laser turning back on, and it was something mundane I did every time. I took the batteries out every time it shut off, and then the laser worked once more.

Looks like I should try and find some better batteries.
posted the 16340s i use in my laser. most unprotected 16340s are ultrafire but those have been good to me
Fora 1.2w laser you shouldn't need anything too dramatic. I removed the pcb from my batteries (as seen in my sig) but wouldn't recommend it unless you absolutely know what you're doing. If I was you I'd buy these: $5.11 UltraFire 16340 3.6V "1000mAh" Rechargeable Li-ion Batteries (4-Pack) - 411.6mAh tested capacity at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

Thats a 4 pack for 5 bucks. The actual tested capacity is pretty decent aswell. When dealing with non protected cells, make sure not to short them or over discharge them. Could ruin your batteries or harm you.
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you can get them cheaper from china but i gave you a US seller so you can get them faster. i got my 2 pair in 3 and 4 days (placed 2 orders)

EDIT: they come from NJ iirc
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you should consider the 18350s like i said. they fit better. In my rifle 1.5W, I notice some jostling of the batteries when using 16340s, occasionally this causes them to loose connection for a split second, making the beam flicker. 18350s have the same voltage, and could be charged in the same charger as 16340s. capacity should be the same or slightly more.

BTW I am pretty sure the first two numbers in battery designation are for diameter, and the next three for length, indeed, 18350s are slightly wider and just a hair longer than 16340s. 18650s are about twice as long as 18350s, but the same diameter, so my theory seems to hold true. 26650s are equal length with 18650s, but considerably wider
16340s are 16mm x 34mm
18350s are 18mm x 35mm

they are 2mm wider and 1mm taller
Finally got an email back from him after being very descriptive in the problem. I wil never buy from this guy again:

to me
0 minutes agoDetails
Sound to me your batteries are dead. Please charge the battery one by one.

Have a nice day.

there was a holiday over in hong kong last week so he may have been on vacation. glad he responded back, hope it works, might want to check the voltage with a DMM if you have one or buy a new charger if using the one provided by lazerer
