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FrozenGate by Avery

¿ so that they serve these 3 prisms ?

Those are PBS cubes (very large ones). They are used to split a beam in two, or combine two beams into one.
The Seller has no clue as to what these Cubes are used for
besides spilting/combining..
Nor what wavelengths they are to be used with...

You will need to test them yourself or try to contact the Seller..IMO

Probably beam splitting cubes. Depending on the wavelength it will either pass or reflect.

They might be polarized beam splitters too. If you take a diode laser and shine it through, then rotate the laser, if the beam goes from passing to reflecting, it is a PBS.
Online translators still have quite a way to go me thinks:thinking:
Wow.. those look like bigass PBS cubes allright!

As for wavelength: I doubt they were intented for blue/bluray, as you see some greenish fluorescence within the glass. Perhaps they were intended for 660/635 nm use, and they would be great for building one of those scary powerful red laser units that combine knife-edging with pbs conbination.
yes,is very large, and if not for meccla pbs, I think no, I think they are for any length nm tuning, but not which also have 2 filters, and usually do not meccladores pbs ...:gh:
They look more like dichroic mirrors to me. See how, for example, the white packaging appears yellow through the cube.
I am only used a laser 140mw 405, and when passing it through the bucket that form, the color is put it change, but 405nm is only a only laser
Anyway, i see a very curious thing ..... look the 405nm through the cube, one of the prisms that compose the cube fluoresce in green, and the other fluoresce in yellow ..... different materials with, maybe, different optical densities and properties ? ..... and also the faces AR coatings looks different for the faces ..... very curious (also, wondering if they can be RGB combiners, like the ones used in some videoprojector, that can take red, green and blue on 3 different faces, and give the combined white from the fourth one) ..... :thinking:
podria to be, another day if so that she serves not I do not buy it, but I I like and I could not be resisted jajaja:evil:
I'm the same way. I'd have no use for it, but it's so interesting that I might use it someday.

I think the fluorescense is unintentional because these were not meant to be used with near UV laser. If you have lasers that are more like pure red or pure green or pure blue, you should play with the cubes with that laser. This assembly probably either combines red, green, and blue, or splits them out from white. Reflection or transmission depends on the wavelength of light.
