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  1. Tr4hard_Lazer

    Driving two coherent fap modules in series

    Where would i get a proper driver? It's so hard finding a proper supply that outputs 2.4 volts at 50 something amps. And yes i have cooling figured out I'll sand the bottom down with some aluminum oxide grit with some water on an old sacrificial glass tabletop to get a perfect smooth finish on...
  2. Tr4hard_Lazer

    Driving two coherent fap modules in series

    I found this psu power supply that can output 60 amps at 5 volts would there be a way to use this to power two fap modules in series since that way each one would get 2.5 volts? I don't have an oscilloscope so i have no idea if I'd blow the poor things up or if it works flawlessly and blows my...
  3. Tr4hard_Lazer

    Just another nubm38 gun! And some noobie questions about it

    And yes absolutely Redcowboy is awesome. Im willing to bet the dude has stuff im his basement the public can't know about lol
  4. Tr4hard_Lazer

    Just another nubm38 gun! And some noobie questions about it

    It's not my first laser and yes i know all the safety trust me. I don't even start theese kinds of projects without thinking about safety first. I may be a dumba$$ but when it comes to safety (especially others) i don't mess around. I have a massive beam stop, a crazy beam dump and a blacked out...
  5. Tr4hard_Lazer

    Just another nubm38 gun! And some noobie questions about it

    Yes i think i got it thanks for all your help everyone! Hopefully i don't mess something up or die in some kind of battery explosion lol. this is my first array I've ever had so it's pretty exciting for someone like me
  6. Tr4hard_Lazer

    Just another nubm38 gun! And some noobie questions about it

    How can i measure the current going into the array since it changes a bit under load? Sorry im kinda new to this just wanna make sure i don't make a 100 doller paperweight. Although if i do im so gonna remove the lense and cut the cover off and pour in resin since that'd be a sick paper weight...
  7. Tr4hard_Lazer

    Just another nubm38 gun! And some noobie questions about it

    I forgot his name but someone used this exact driver for his and he had it shoved in a drill without a heatsink since it didn't get that hot so mine in open air with this little heatsink should be fine. If it does get a bit toastey I'll get a larger heatsink and somehow make it fit or drill out...
  8. Tr4hard_Lazer

    Just another nubm38 gun! And some noobie questions about it

    Oops heres the driver specs. It can output 10 amps at 60 volts which is plenty and im using the uni-t ut204 current clamp multimeter thing which has a dc function for the clamp. Yes i have absolutely no idea how the hell it works with dc but based of YT and reviews it should work fine thats why...
  9. Tr4hard_Lazer

    Just another nubm38 gun! And some noobie questions about it

    There we go had to screenshot my pics since the files were "too large"
  10. Tr4hard_Lazer

    Just another nubm38 gun! And some noobie questions about it

    Oops not all the photos linked one sec
  11. Tr4hard_Lazer

    Just another nubm38 gun! And some noobie questions about it

    Yes yes i just started building heres some quick pics of it so far. Lol yes my cable management isn't great at the moment I'll be bolting it to that big aluminum round rod on the end (2.5 inches by 3 inches) with some indium foil since i wanna keep it somewhat compact and i don't mind the...
  12. Tr4hard_Lazer

    Just another nubm38 gun! And some noobie questions about it

    Im currently building a nubm38 laser gun and don't have a lot of equipment available to me at the moment. Could i just hook my driver up to the array and slowly tweak the voltage and current till its where i need it measuring with a dc current clamp meter instead of making a test load? I know...
