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FrozenGate by Avery

Search results

  1. W

    2.8 watt laser killed?

    Oh man what have I done. I built a super nice 2.8 watt laser a few months ago and it's been great. Love it to death. I had it in the car while going to lunch yesterday, when I turned a corner and yhre laser rolled off the seat and fell between the seat and door. 5 minutes later I get to the...
  2. W

    Ophir 20C-A-1-Y Sensor

    Ophir Laser Measurement 20c A 1 Y Sensor | eBay
  3. W

    It works again!

    I pulled out the trusty blue ray of death last night after a few weeks of neglect. (Didn't have the heart after a forum member had stolen from me) As a whizzed the mighty blue bar of fire across the crisp blackend sky, I heard someone across the street, wondering around in one of the yards yell...
  4. W

    Getting robbed by a fellow forum member!

    I have to admit, I'm so pissed right now I can barely post this. I been buying on the Internet for years, and years. In many cases with individuals through forums which is always riskier. I've been very lucky up to now. As all the people I've dealt with have been great, and have come through for...
  5. W

    [WTB] Ophir 20C Power supply

    Looking for a Pre built PS board to power the 20C Opir head. ARG no longer has any, but not sure if Laserbee still sell the ones they had. It's not listed. I may bread board one or go with batts, but rather have a ready to go PCB. Looking to build a LPM with a voltage panel meter like many...
  6. W

    Paypal dispute

    OK, I'm having an issue with one of the forum vendors. I made a purchase on Sunday, and never got a acknowledgement of the purchase or ship notice. Since then no replys to my PM's or email, though I do see account activity. I made a purchase a few weeks ago, and he shipped within hours???? This...
  7. W

    400ma driver?

    In need of a 350ma to 400ma rectangular "bucking" driver for the HL63133DG diode. Any leads?
  8. W

    X drive question

    Can anyone tell me the difference between the V6, and V7 X drives?
  9. W

    New 445 build - 3 Diode host

    I thought I would start this build thread, as I just got word from Mrcrouse that my host is almost complete, and will soon ship. Pics to come! Upon hearing that news, I followed ARG's advice and put in my optics order with Stanwax in the UK, and ordered: 2 steering mirrors 1 Dichoritic Blue...
  10. W

    Beam splitter /combiner

    I wonder how this beam splitter on Ebay compares to the Stanwax unit? I would be using it on a dual diode setup. Laser Beam Combine Prims Mirror for 405 450nm Blue Diode | eBay It doesn't say polarizing, but it must be if it combimes. Worth the risk , for half the cost? I'm also interested...
  11. W

    Host Praise for Sinner

    My first build has been completed for a few weeks now, and I have a few comment about the MS-SSW3 host I used. In short I love it! So much so that I feel any next choice may be a let down. Seems I got the host choice right on firsat try! I love the looks, and feel. The length, and width feel...
  12. W

    Custom switch for mag host?

    I'm thinking about a new Maglight host, and much prefer the side clicky it provides, but I'm looking for something a bit nicer than the stock utilitarian rubber pad. I want to replace it with something like this: 1pc Angel Eye Blue LED 16mm 12V Metal Switch Latching Push Power Button | eBay...
  13. W

    5 Watt 445 driver?

    I'm in the information gathering stage of my next build, and I'm thinking about the driver. I'd like to run this latest 445 at between 5, and 6 watts. My understanding is the driver selection for this duty is bleak! I'd like something that could easily handle this current without short duty...
  14. W

    445 divergence?

    Still in the testing mode of my new 9mm 445 build. I'm new to multimode, and wonder if there is divergence variation with this diode like there is with output? I'm getting a 8" in focus line at about 75' to 80'. This with a G2 lens. Does this sound about right?
  15. W

    Custom host with Key / side clicker?

    Looking for a new host. I really like the larger "lightsaberish" custom hosts, but this time I wouldn't mind a side clicker, as well as a tail cap key interlock. I don't see these options added to many custom hosts, but I do see them as features on those Mag-light conversions. I just don't like...
  16. W

    Modern Dummy load

    I just got through reading the older DIY dummy load thread, but didn't see where the design ever got updated. The DIY vesion, along with the current one availble at SL, seem limited to 1 amp draw. I would like an updated version that can handle the latest high power drivers / L diodes. That...
  17. W

    Another large host thread!

    Edited by me
  18. W

    MS-SSW + DTR module question.

    I'm in the process of pressing my DTR 445 module into my MS-SSW head, but just noticed an issue. The module appears to long? At least it is with the rear aluminum extension tube screwed to the front copper part. It appears it will collide with the pill. Looking at the hulk build, it aqppears...
  19. W

    X4 LPM mod?

    Just received my X4, and it seems to work really well. One concern is where the TEC wiring exits out the rear of the heat sink. The exit hole seem pretty small, and I'm not sure just how sharp the edges are? I worry that over time movement of the sensor will eventually cause the wire inlsulation...
  20. W

    Polishing hosts!

    So, how are the builders here polishing their hosts? I see some decent prices on bench buffers at harbor freight. They have a 8" on sale for just $60, and a 6" for $40. Thoughts? At these prices I'm tempted to pick one up for the laser tool shop collection!:wave:
