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  1. vitalyx

    My first Android game

    Hello guys! I recently finished working on my first game for Android called Pyro Shelf. It's a chain-reaction puzzle game and if you are into brain teasers, this can be very addictive :) It was to fun to learn game programming, but even with my years of programming experience, this wasn't an...
  2. vitalyx

    Great audio player at half the price!

    Hi guys, First of all, congrats to everybody in U.S.! Wish you a nice holiday! it's been awhile since my last post... I guess, old craziness is over :), but I'm still playing with my only remaining greenie every once in a while :) ... Soon I'll be running a promotion on the app I have been...
  3. vitalyx

    Laserlands' laserking review laser -- disappointing experience

    Got it today, finally. It came in this box: Even though the box looks a bit jammed, it had a hefty piece of bubble wrap in it and both the goggles and the laser's box look just fine: The laser itself though... OK... what I liked first: - it looks almost the same as in the picture on...
  4. vitalyx

    SOLD: 200mW o-like red + 3.0v AND 3.6v batteries + charger

    New Style red laser 200mW /adjustable [OLNRL200] - $45.99 : O-Like, Quality Products, Great Prices ^^^ In perfect condition. $31 + $4 shipping (anywhere) + PP fee ($1.35 if you are in US, $1.73 otherwise). If you are in Europe, you'll need an adapter to use the charger. I can throw one in...
  5. vitalyx

    WTB: Some books, need a favor...

    OK, so I got this crazy idea where I want to go to Tanzania in the spring and naturally I would love to read more about Africa. But the trip is going to be pretty expensive, so I better start saving now... What I wanted to ask, could some of you guys ship the books to me that I'm going to order...
  6. vitalyx

    NEW REVIEW: 5mW laserlands pen

    So I finally received it. Purchased the day after Merry ("laserlands") joined the forum to find out more about the seller and its products. Order was placed on Dec 14, shipped on Dec 15 and I got it today - Jan 27. So it took quite a while. Maybe because of winter holidays (Jan 1-10 here in...
  7. vitalyx

    SOLD: 200mW o-like green in rayfoss waterproof host

    SOLD What you get: 1 completely assembled laser 2 pcs of LiFePO4 RCR123a 3.0v battery Beam diameter at aperature: 2mm Beam divergence: 2 mRad Beam mode: TEM00, nice round dot, no artifacts around the dot Pre-heat time: none This laser isn't really a burner because of the thick beam, and for...
  8. vitalyx

    WTF this lens is made of???

    I'm talking about the lens in DX and new o-like modules. I've tried to scratch mine with a hardened screwdriver real hard - nothing, I've even hammered the screwdriver - still nothing - the lens just popped out of the module, and it looks perfect... crazy, I know... anyways, I seriously doubt...
  9. vitalyx

    Fun with lasers at -20°C (-4°F)

    Yeah, that's pretty cold :D Had to take pictures quickly, LOL So, I think red is pretty boring as it is: But you can breathe some life into it: Green is always fun, especially high powered: But breathe on it and ZOMG!!! Now it looks like you can kill with this thing! I have to admit...
  10. vitalyx

    Please, explain the costs of... (Understood)

    ... green laser modules, of course :D Like the ones DX, o-like and rayfoss sell and all those used in laser pointer pens. I browsed alibaba.com recently and saw that most merchants sell them as "<5mW" modules, but some offer more power "for clients". So my question is: what modifications make...
  11. vitalyx

    A website like DX that sells leg tips

    I can't think of any local stores that sell them. There are bunch of US sites that retail them, but all Chinese sites I've found are only accepting batch orders. I'm looking for a Chinese online retailer of leg tips because of free/inexpensive international shipping. Are there any?
  12. vitalyx

    WTB: Inexpensive red laser goggles

  13. vitalyx

    What 150mW green to buy?

    Hi, I'm new here. Learning about lasers :) Planning to buy a 150mW green from o-like. So I asked Susie about divergence of their lasers, as I'm interested in a very bright tight beam, not burning. And she said "It is not possible to have infinite focus now". The question was about the "150mW...
