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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. jander6442

    FF4 w/ Extras $235 Small Sun PT-54 Red Phlatlight $70

    Re: Modified TK-75, Modified 6 x XM-L2 U2 SRK's, FF4 Man I want that FF4 SOOoo bad. That's one sweet deal.:thinking:
  2. jander6442

    Attitudes towards new members

    Good job... a little salty, but none the less you did good, now get out there and build you a little red pocket rocket, but please observe proper safety protocols and respect the hobby so that we can all enjoy it cause man it is a sweet hobby to be in.;)
  3. jander6442

    Attitudes towards new members

    I know my man:wave:
  4. jander6442

    Attitudes towards new members

    Here is a good read for ya http://laserpointerforums.com/f37/how-get-along-accepted-lpf-82184.html
  5. jander6442

    Cypreus II 1W Violet Diode Review

    Nice beast there, may it live long and be used plenty.
  6. jander6442

    Angel breath:7.6W+ dual NBD7A75 fan cooled portable.(Pic heavy)

    Good Style and nice details... with time your going to be one of the top builders here. Bet this angel eats batteries like I eat hot wings....:)
  7. jander6442

    A Malaysian airliner shot down

    Looks like the Russians did it.... they must not like the Malaysians:wtf: Malaysia Airlines plane shot down in Ukraine near Russian border - NY Daily News
  8. jander6442

    PBS cube troubles. Pictures

    Also in this pic the beam entering from the left see if you can rotate it while using an LPM, you should see the sweet spot when the LPM registers the lower number. After that you have done all you can, either lower the power or get a better coated cube if one is out there that can take that...
  9. jander6442

    PBS cube troubles. Pictures

    I think you are simply over powering the cube. Try using some less powa 445's and see what happens. Please tell us where u got that PBS link or something to help use help you.
  10. jander6442

    PBS cube troubles. Pictures

    Sorry I have not gotten back to you on our PM's I was at the Daytona race while you were corresponding. I would suggest that you simply flip the PBS cube upside down and then try rotating the orientation of the "B" laser. If that doesn't work then chances are that's a beam splitting cube NOT...
  11. jander6442

    GB: 1W 520nm diode information/giveaway

  12. jander6442

    Yellow Tri-Mag...

    Nice use of Pat's mounts... looking sharp jay, great job, that thing is growly:wave: how much does it weigh man? Did you think of using the HL63603TG diode?
  13. jander6442

    Coke Zero 400

    Hey Simon, I was there man seen it all we had a suite seats on the backstreach it was awesome.
  14. jander6442

    3.5W NDB7A75 445nm Laser Diode

    New kid on the block PRE-ORDER Sony US18650VTC5 2600mAh 18650 Battery
  15. jander6442

    All Hail the King

    Ok thanks for that.
  16. jander6442

    All Hail the King

    Prolly about 2,000 I give myself incredible rates.:beer:
  17. jander6442

    All Hail the King

    Well I would sell you the 3rd shelf for 2,600 and that's a deal.:beer: I believe I have the highest rated 594nm on the forum as well. I think 6000 in parts and labor alone would be safe to say and that's not even batteries and tools parts just what you see... No hate.:whistle: Maybe time to...
  18. jander6442

    Leaving the Laser Hobby

    You can't leave without an exit interview... Did you read the sign up contract? You must also send me all your lasers for deactivation per said contract. Seriously just chill if you would share your reasons maybe some could walk you through it.
  19. jander6442

    [FEELER] Cheap, small Laser diode Drivers

    Let's see we want a 5mm x 4mm buck/boost that has low voltage LED indicators one that beeps on low voltage that can produce at least 6A from single li-on with no heat and can buck down from 24V and cost 5.00 delivered.... almost forgot with florescent GITD...
