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FrozenGate by Avery

Anyone else like using lasers to eradicate spiders?

Oct 24, 2009
I can't be the only one, right? Just now an eight legged freak was dangling above me and I took great pleasure in gutting it with a 1.6W 445nm laser beam (Thanks Tinkertavernco!). Something about that snap-crackle-pop sound the fallen creepy creature makes followed by the small puff of smoke just makes me smile..

Sorry if this post comes across as a little sadistic, I just really **really** don't like spiders.

Back in my apartment dwelling days I ponted a keychain red at a spider on the ceiling. The little guy attacked the dot, and would chase it like a kitten.
7w 445nm was marketed for eradicating certain algae in aquariums. Sure hope they had protection as it’s reflected off the glass multiple times unpredictably. It does work however.
I actually like the spiders. I don't like those damn fruit flies though. At least spiders don't fly all up in your face. I dunno maybe it's because I like spiderman or maybe it's because of the properties of the webbing they create. I just like them.
I actually like the spiders. I don't like those damn fruit flies though. At least spiders don't fly all up in your face. I dunno maybe it's because I like spiderman or maybe it's because of the properties of the webbing they create. I just like them.
Fruit flies are really annoying - try a vinegar trap if you haven't! They fly in by the dozens when you do it correctly.
I can't be the only one, right? Just now an eight legged freak was dangling above me and I took great pleasure in gutting it with a 1.6W 445nm laser beam (Thanks Tinkertavernco!). Something about that snap-crackle-pop sound the fallen creepy creature makes followed by the small puff of smoke just makes me smile..

Sorry if this post comes across as a little sadistic, I just really **really** don't like spiders.
Realize that as icky as spiders appear they play a very important role in pest control inside your house.
Exactly. That’s what I bought it for. And hornet nests 20’ up off the ground under my eaves, that’s why I use a 5-7watter and a beam expander
Also it’s fun to zap mosquitoes that are on the other side of the window pane. Just be careful to not burn a hole in your screen. After a while, it becomes an art to kill a mosquito. You have to get right on top of it before powering up.
I used to fry them to a burnt crisp, but now I know that Laser, plume is carcinogenic as well as smelling bad. Now I use the minimal amount required to get them to fall off the wall and then I take care of them… yeah the laser plume is really bad for you to inhale
For mosquitoes i have a machine it kills 🦟 1ac range, spiders are friendly it was cold last year and i found a spider dying i taken it in and i keep it all winter and last spring i released it also lay an egg sac !
This is mine small 🕷️,🫥
