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Recent content by HIMNL9

  1. HIMNL9

    Win thread

    Danimarca-Germania, sfida a luci rosse Sexy Soccer 2012 Berlin [ Bericht ] - YouTube Admit it ... this is a soccer game where you may want to play, instead only look ..... :na: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
  2. HIMNL9

    Win thread

    Evil Clown service to scare at birthday parties - Odd News | newslite.tv "evil clown service" for birthdays ... "For £400 ... one of his terrifying-looking clowns will follow their victim for a week playing tricks on them ... Pranks include late night phone calls, leaving 'odd items' in your...
  3. HIMNL9


    Or the gun is defective ... on the army we had a Garand so defective that WITH SAFE ON, it was enough to bump it for fire (not just pull the trigger, i mean ... also just bump the barrel somewhere) ... it caused a lot of accidental fire, and was eliminated only after a deadly one (just for say...
  4. HIMNL9

    DIY Laser Cutter Project

    ... wondering if you're thinking about install a 100W or more laser tube there ... space is sure not a problem ;) :D
  5. HIMNL9

    Win thread

    (well, at least til you don't cross a police car, it's a win ... :P :D:D:D:D:D) By the way ... :eg: :crackup: :eg: :crackup: :eg: :crackup: :eg: :crackup: :eg: :crackup: :eg: :crackup: :eg: :crackup: :eg: :crackup: :eg:
  6. HIMNL9

    DIY Laser Cutter Project

    Heh, i imagined that these mounts was for that "Z axis" bed movement, cause your X and Y axis seem already mechanically complete ... about the material, someone use slates (or whatever you call them, are "beds" made with saw-profiled plates, like these ones) ... but that is a professional, and...
  7. HIMNL9

    DIY Laser Cutter Project

    Re: My (16 month :D ) holiday project - DIY Laser Cutter If i can say a thing ... good work with the plastic, and if you cut 2 extra layers for each support, with a hole a little small, you can put them on the 2 sides of the support ... advantages, are the rigidity (thicker, then more ridgid)...
  8. HIMNL9

    DIY Laser Cutter Project

    Re: My (16 month :D ) holiday project - DIY Laser Cutter Naah, as said, if you are in a 120V like USA typical places, 32 leds are enough, these ones have 3.2V typical FV ... in case of 220/240V zones, a capacitor in serie can be helpful, like, from main, a 33 ohm 3W resistor, in serie with a...
  9. HIMNL9

    DIY Laser Cutter Project

    Re: My (16 month :D ) holiday project - DIY Laser Cutter Like these ones ? 50 pcs SMD SMT 0805 Super bright Purple LED lamp Bulb | eBay Must pay attention with the soldering with them, they die quickly (i killed 2 of them trying to swap them from a PCB :P :D) Anyway, cause they are small...
  10. HIMNL9

    DIY Laser Cutter Project

    Re: My (16 month :D ) holiday project - DIY Laser Cutter Well, if you can work with fluorescent plexiglass, and SMD leds, i think you can easily use some of these ones 20 Pcs SMD SMT 1210 3528 PLCC-2 Super bright Purple LED Lamp Light RoHS Good New | eBay , maybe hidden in a black border, for...
  11. HIMNL9

    DIY Laser Cutter Project

    Re: My (16 month :D ) holiday project - DIY Laser Cutter Please be "coherent" ... with LASER edge lighting ... :na: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
  12. HIMNL9

    DIY Homemade laser diode driver

    A current regulation driver auto adjust the voltage for keep the current as presetted ..... if your laser diode is rated for, say, 100mA, and you preset the current driver for keep 100mA through it, regulating the voltage is not needed.
  13. HIMNL9


    Isn't that the trailer of a new film ? "The Vengeance Of The Broken Wood" :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
  14. HIMNL9

    DIY Laser Cutter Project

    Re: My (16 month :D ) holiday project - DIY Laser Cutter Things. for the hexagonal fixture ... or you find some factory that can do "forged" works (difficult, at least here), or you can solve it in a different way, if i can suggest ... the thicher part made with a "pass-thru" hole, easiest to...
  15. HIMNL9

    Hi, the avatar is from an old musical video, that i don't remember exactly now ... it's a lot of...

    Hi, the avatar is from an old musical video, that i don't remember exactly now ... it's a lot of time that i made it ... i think it was a videoclip of Daft Punk or some similar group, but i'm not really sure now, sorry.
