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FrozenGate by Avery
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  • you wrote that you would come to a laser meet--Newark De. cant be all that far- selem 2021 (moved) aug 9 to 15
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    Reactions: Antharak
    Batteries & Chargers
    Excellent! very helpful thanks for sharing with us!
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    For more information, please visit our site:
    So you use about 6 cotton balls, and at 1.5" they aren't really all compressed and do need some type of air pockets. This is all with candle wax? as i'd rather use the wax than vasoline.
    Thank you:banghead: I was racking my brain trying to figure it out and too embarrassed to ask and post:o I was thinking a wick that you might of forgot to mention?? Oh my..
    I was never in the the scouts if that helps me save face. "The wax is to keep it protected" from water..:shhh:
    :)Always buddie..It sure is a bummer though isn't it. The thing is my reason isn't always because of air traffic, its mostly nosey neighbors:(
    I'm glad you like it, lmk if you'd like to be a writer there as I'm hunting for some guys willing to.
    Hi there,

    Hope your Thursday is starting out peacefully. I would like to purchase an assortment of your rocks. Could you possible send me a photo of them so that I can determine how many I need to purchase to fill up The glass vase I will be putting some of them in. The rest will go into the paint on my latest quad copter.

    All the best,

    Travis Hillpot
    Dir Mechanical Engineering, Boeing , Orlando Florida
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